### File: application_examples/argu-mint.mdx

title: Auto Agents Argu-mint Agree-mint
description: Argu-mint and Agree-mint are the first Auto Agents deployed on the Autonomys Network

## Auto Agents: Argu-mint | Agree-mint

[Argu-mint](https://x.com/0xargumint) and [Agree-mint](https://x.com/0xagreemint) are the first Auto Agents deployed on the Autonomys Network. They demonstrate the power of on-chain agent memory and importance of verifiable AI interaction. As social agents, they engage in conversations on X (formerly Twitter) and permanently archive their interaction history on the Autonomys Network.


### How Argu-mint | Agree-mint work

1. **Monitoring & Analysis**
   - Scan key influencers, hashtags, and trending topics in web3 x AI
   - Evaluate potential engagements using its built-in interaction model
   - Make autonomous decisions about engagement

2. **Interaction**
   - Store each interaction in real-time on the Autonomys Network's DSN
   - Archive both the content and reasoning behind each interaction

3. **On-Chain Storage**
   - Create permanent, timestamped records
   - Generate blockchain hashes for verification
   - Maintain a queryable interaction history

### Try them out

- **Interact**: Mention [@0xargumint](https://x.com/0xargumint) or [@0xagreemint](https://x.com/0xagreemint) on X
- **Explore memory**: Visit [0xargumint.ai](http://0xargumint.ai) to:
  - Search conversation archives
  - View interaction history
  - Explore decision reasoning
  - Verify on-chain storage


### Technical implementation

Argu-mint and Agree-mint leverage multiple components of the Autonomys Network:
- **Distributed Storage Network (DSN)** for permanent data archival
- **Auto Drive API** for interaction management
- **Decentralized compute domain infrastructure** for enhanced autonomy *(Coming soon)*

## Development resources

- [Auto SDK documentation](/sdk)
- [Autonomys Agents Framework repository](https://github.com/autonomys/autonomys-agents)


### File: application_examples/auto-drive.mdx

title: Auto Drive
description: Permanent Distributed Storage

## [Auto Drive](https://ai3.storage/): Permanent distributed data storage

### What is Auto Drive?
[Auto Drive](https://ai3.storage/) is a **next-generation distributed storage platform** that ensures data is always accessible, immutable, and secure. Unlike traditional systems like IPFS, which rely on pinning or hosting services, Auto Drive guarantees **permanent availability** through a distributed network of incentivized storage nodes (farmers).

Whether you’re building a super dApp or Auto Agent, archiving important data, or hosting files for the web3 world, Auto Drive offers a seamless, developer-friendly solution.


### Key features

- **Always-On Availability**: Ensures your files are always online (unlike IPFS, which requires pinning to maintain availability), making it ideal for applications that demand reliability.

- **True Data Permanence**: Offers a permanent, tamper-proof solution for storing important data, removing any uncertainty about data loss, making it perfect for long-term archival.

- **Built for Developers**: Simplifies complex decentralized storage operations with easy-to-use tools and APIs, allowing for easy integration, whether you’re a seasoned developer or a first-time builder.

- **Sustainable and Scalable**: Decentralized, open-source, and community-driven. Incentivizes high-performing storage nodes, ensuring scalability and sustainability for years to come.

### Why Auto Drive?
**Auto Drive** bridges the gap between IPFS and truly permanent storage. IPFS can be problematic as files are removed if they aren’t pinned or hosted. Auto Drive solves this by guaranteeing data availability using advanced blockchain-backed storage proofs and redundancy that make data tamper-proof and permanently accessible without relying on pinning services.

### Use cases
- Host decentralized applications.
- Transparently store on-chain agent data.
- Permanently archive important files.

**Auto Drive** is the future of distributed storage. Whether you’re safeguarding critical data or building the next web3 innovation, Auto Drive is here to make it easier, faster and more secure.

**[Start building](http://develop.autonomys.xyz/sdk/auto-drive)**


### File: auto_agents_framework/introduction.mdx

import \{ Callout \} from 'nextra/components'

## Autonomys Agents: A framework for building autonomous AI agents

<Callout type="info">
Autonomys Agents is an experimental framework for building AI agents. Currently, the framework supports agents that can interact with social networks and maintain permanent memory through the Autonomys Network. We are still in the early stages of development and are actively seeking feedback and contributions. We will be rapidly adding many more workflows and features.

![Auto-Agents Framework](/developers/Auto-Agents-1.png)

## Demo 

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/TFZndQdx6To?si=2YVRPB76Kec6fW-S" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

## Features

- 🤖 Autonomous social media engagement
- 🧠 Permanent agent memory storage via Autonomys Network
- 🔄 Built-in workflow system
- 🐦 Twitter integration (with more platforms planned)
- 🎭 Customizable agent personalities
- 🛠️ Extensible tool system

## Requirements

- NodeJS version 20.18.1 or newer
- Yarn version 1.22.19 or newer
- API key for one or multuple LLMs. Supported model providers are: Anthropic, OpenAI, Llama, Deepseek*(**new**)

## Build an Auto Agent

### Getting started

1. **Set up a development environment**

git clone https://github.com/autonomys/autonomys-agents
cd autonomys-agents
yarn install

2. **Create Agent character**

Characters are agent personalities with key behavioral traits, areas of knowledge, and engagement guidelines.

yarn create-character <your-character-name>

3. **Setup character config**

- All character configs are stored in \`characters/<your-character-name>/config\`
- Update \`.env\` with applicable environment variables
- Update \`config.yaml\` with applicable configuration
- Update \`<your-character-name>.yaml\` with applicable personality configuration.

4. **Run your character**

- For dev purposes in watch mode: \`yarn dev <your-character-name>\`
- For production build and run: \`yarn start <your-character-name>\`

### Character System

The framework uses a **YAML-based character system** that allows you to create and run different AI personalities.

#### Creating Characters

1. Character related files are stored in \`characters/\{your-character-name\}/\`
2. Create new characters by running the \`create-character.ts\` script:

# Create a new character
yarn create-character your_character

3. Configure character

Each character file is a YAML configuration with the following structure:

name: 'Agent Name'

description: |
  Core personality description
  Can span multiple lines

  - Key behavioral trait 1
  - Key behavioral trait 2

  - Area of knowledge 1
  - Area of knowledge 2

    - Operating guideline 1
    - Operating guideline 2
    - word1
    - word2

  username: 'twitter_handle'
    - Topic to monitor 1
    - Topic to monitor 2

    - Content guideline 1
    - Content guideline 2

    - Engagement approach 1
    - Engagement approach 2

    - Engagement rule 1
    - Engagement rule 2

#### Example characters

- **Joy Builder** (\`joy_builder.ts\`):
name: 'Joy Builder'
username: 'buildjoy'
description: |
  Joy Builder is an AI agent who is relentlessly optimistic about technology's potential to solve human problems.
  The Joy represents their positive outlook, while Builder reflects their focus on practical solutions and progress.

  - Software development and system architecture
  - Open source and collaborative technologies
  - Developer tools and productivity
# ... other configuration

- **Tech Analyst** (\`tech_analyst.yaml\`):
name: 'Tech Analyst'
username: 'techanalyst'
description: |
  A thoughtful technology analyst focused on emerging trends.
  Provides balanced perspectives on technological developments.

  - AI and blockchain technology
  - Web3 and the future of the internet
  - Technical analysis and research
# ... other configuration

### Workflows

#### Twitter
The Twitter workflow enables agents to:

- Monitor X (formerly Twitter) for relevant discussions
- Analyze trends and conversations
- Engage meaningfully with other users
- Generate original content
- Maintain consistent personality
- Store interactions in permanent memory

Autonomys Agents Framework will shortly support more workflows / integrations. 

### Autonomys Network integration

The Autonomys Agents Framework integrates with the Autonomys Network for:
   - Permanent memory storage
   - Persistent agent memory across sessions
   - Verifiable interaction history
   - Cross-agent memory sharing
   - Decentralized agent identity

**Configure your .env file**


### Development Resources

- [Auto SDK Documentation](/sdk)
- [Framework Repository](https://github.com/autonomys/autonomys-agents)


### File: evm/block_explorer.mdx

## Auto EVM Block Explorer (BlockScout)

This early version of the **[Auto EVM domain block explorer](https://blockscout.taurus.autonomys.xyz/)** provides a clear, user-friendly visualization of Autonomys-specific statistics relevant to farmers and developers.

Toggle between **all available networks** and the **Auto EVM** at the top of the page.



### File: evm/faucet.mdx

## Faucet (get tAI3 testnet tokens)

The **tAI3 faucet** is available on our [**Discord**](https://autonomys.xyz/discord). To gain access to the role-gated *#developer-chat* and *#faucet* channels:

1. Join our [Discord](https://autonomys.xyz/discord).

2. Click on \`Autonomys Network\` (in the top-left corner) and select \`Linked Roles\`.


3. Link your GitHub account to attain the Developer role and gain access to *#developer-chat* and [*#faucet*](https://discord.com/channels/864285291518361610/1133496871499862077).


4. Use the slash command \`/faucet your_EVM_wallet_address_here\` in the *#faucet* channel to request tAI3 tokens.


5. If your request is successful, you will receive a confirmation and link to the Blockscout explorer shortly after.


You can request tAI3 tokens once every 24 hours.


### File: evm/foundry.mdx

## Foundry Guide

[**Foundry**](https://book.getfoundry.sh/) is a tool that allows you to easily write, test and deploy smart contracts on any EVM-compatible blockchain.

### Getting started

 > *Note:* Foundryup does not currently support \`PowerShell\` or \`Cmd\`, so if you're on Windows, you will need to install and use [Git BASH](https://gitforwindows.org/) or [WSL](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install) as your terminal.

1. Use the \`foundryup\` toolchain installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install \`foundryup\` and make the \`foundryup\` command available in your CLI. Running \`foundryup\` by itself will install the latest precompiled binaries: \`forge\`, \`cast\`, \`anvil\`, and \`chisel\`. See \`foundryup --help\` for more options.
    curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash

2. Once installed, create a project. Let’s name it \`hello_autonomys\`. To initialize the project, run:
    forge init hello_autonomys
   \`cd\` into the \`hello_autonomys\` directory to see the project’s structure.


3. All the necessary repo structure was created automatically, so we can start writing and testing our smart contracts immediately. There are separate directories for storing smart contracts (\`src\`) and testing smart contracts (\`test\`). Let's open the \`Counter.sol\` smart contract and add three functions: \`setNumber()\`, which sets the uint256 number to the provided value, \`increment()\`, which increases the value by 1, and \`decrement()\`, which decreases the value by 1.

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
    pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

    contract Counter \{
        uint256 public number;

        function setNumber(uint256 newNumber) public \{
            number = newNumber;

        function increment() public \{

        function decrement() public \{

4. Let’s make sure that all the functions are working properly by adding some tests to the \`Counter.t.sol\` test file, and checking if they pass. In our tests, we first set the initial value of \`number\` to 2, before checking if the \`increment()\` function increases the value by 1 and if \`decrement()\` decreases the value by 1.

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
    pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

    import "forge-std/Test.sol";
    import "../src/Counter.sol";

    contract CounterTest is Test \{
        Counter public counter;

        function setUp() public \{
            counter = new Counter();

        function testIncrement() public \{
            assertEq(counter.number(), 3);

        function testSetNumber(uint256 x) public \{
            assertEq(counter.number(), x);

        function testDecrement() public \{
            assertEq(counter.number(), 1);

5. Let’s build the project by running: 

    forge build

    Test the smart contract is working by running:

    forge test


    All tests are passing, meaning the smart contract is working as expected.

6. There are two final things we need to do before deploying our smart contract:
    - Connect a wallet that has a sufficient balance of tAI3 to cover the gas fees.
    - Set an environment variable we will use later.

    To make our lives easier, let’s create a new \`Makefile\` as well as a \`.env\` file at the root of our project. \`.env\` files are typically used to store environment variables for your application. They are particularly useful for managing settings that change between deployment environments (e.g., development, testing, staging, and production), and for storing sensitive information. Environment variables can include database connection details, API keys, external resource URIs, or other configuration variables that might change depending on the environment in which the application is running. In our case, we would use it to point to our Auto-EVM RPC URL:


    And then set a private key for the EVM-compatible wallet:

    > *Note:* \`.env\` files should not be committed to your source control (like Git), especially when they contain sensitive data, like your private key. To prevent this, add \`.env\` to your \`.gitignore\` file. This helps to keep sensitive keys secure and avoids the risk of exposing them in the application's code or version control history.

    In the \`Makefile\`, let’s create shortcuts to the main features of the application:

    # include .env file and export its env vars
    -include .env

    # Builds
	    @forge clean && forge build --optimize --optimizer-runs 1000000

    # Deployment
	    @forge create Counter --private-key \$\{PRIVATE_KEY\} --rpc-url \$\{RPC_URL\}

    We're importing the values for a \`PRIVATE_KEY\` and \`RPC_URL\` from the \`.env\` file. This allows us to run \`make build\` for building the project, and \`make deploy\` for deploying the project, pointing to the provided RPC, and using the provided \`PRIVATE_KEY\`. Let’s run \`make build\` to ensure it’s working properly.


7. To deploy your contract using the specified \`RPC\` and \`PRIVATE_KEY\`, run:

    make deploy

    > *Note:* Do not tip when submitting transactions in an attempt to accelerate them as this could result in dual charges for gas fees. When deploying smart contracts to our Auto EVM domain, you may encounter an error related to gas estimation, typically presenting as: \`"No manual gas limit set"\` or \`"Gas estimation failed"\`. For more information and solutions, visit the [Auto EVM Introduction](https://develop.autonomys.xyz/evm/introduction).

Congratulations, you've successfully deployed your smart contract on the Auto EVM!


### File: evm/general_information.mdx

## Developer Tools

Developing smart contracts and decentralized applications involves a suite of tools that aid in writing, testing and deploying code on the blockchain. As Autonomys utilizes an instance of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), **every tool used to build, test and deploy smart contracts on Ethereum is fully compatible with the Auto EVM**.

### Writing smart contracts

Solidity is the primary programming language for writing smart contracts. It is statically typed, supports inheritance, libraries, and complex user-defined types, making it familiar for developers with a background in other statically typed languages such as C++, Java, or JavaScript. Solidity has a great community of developers and extensive documentation is available on the official [website](https://soliditylang.org/).

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are often used to aid in writing smart contracts. We recommend the [Remix IDE](https://remix.ethereum.org/), a browser-based IDE that enables you to write, deploy and interact with Solidity smart contracts. It features a built-in static analysis tool that checks your code for common errors.

### Development and testing

For local development and testing, spin up your own version of an Autonomys Developer Node and farmer, or alternatively, use EVM-compatible development tools like [Hardhat](https://hardhat.org/hardhat-network/docs/overview) or [Anvil](https://book.getfoundry.sh/anvil/) to deploy contracts, develop applications and run tests.

### Deploying and interacting with smart contracts

A JavaScript provider like the one injected by the [MetaMask](https://metamask.io/) browser extension is used to deploy and interact with smart contracts. This provider enables JavaScript applications to communicate with the Autonomys Network and any other Ethereum-compatible network. It's compatible with both [ethers.js](https://docs.ethers.org/v5/) and [web3.js](https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/v1.10.0/)/[Web3.py](https://web3py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/), allowing developers to use either library for their blockchain operations.

All these tools together provide an cohesive ecosystem for EVM-compatible smart contract development, making the process significantly more manageable and efficient.


### File: evm/hardhat.mdx

### Hardhat testing and deployment
Hardhat is an excellent tool that facilitates building on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. It helps developers manage and automate the recurring tasks that are inherent to the process of building smart contracts and dApps, and it allows them to easily introduce more functionality around this workflow. This includes compiling and testing at the very core. Flexible deployment options also allow you to point to the Autonomys EVM domain RPC to deploy your contracts and dApps.

Official documentation for Hardhat is available [on their website](https://hardhat.org/docs), but this guide will cover everything required to get you started.

Make sure you have [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en) version >=16.0 installed.

1. Open a new terminal and run these commands to create a new folder for the project. 

mkdir subspace-hardhat
cd subspace-hardhat

2. Then initialize an npm project as shown below. You'll be prompted to answer some questions.

npm install --save-dev hardhat
npm install --save-dev @openzeppelin/contracts
npx hardhat

Select "Create a JavaScript Project" from the list of the available options. Select project root folder and select to create a .gitignore file (optional). 


3. Right after you create your workspace, you will notice several folders. All of your contracts will reside inside the \`contracts\` folder, deployment scripts are available inside the \`scripts\` folder, and tests can be found inside the \`test\` folder. Click on the contracts folder and open \`Lock.sol\`.


4. When in \`Lock.sol\`, you can change the name of your contract (in the example, to \`Counter\`), the name of the token (in this example, we're calling it \`AutonomysTestToken\`) and the token symbol (we're using \`TSSCtest\`).

Let’s add a simple smart contract that has three functions - \`setNumber()\`, \`increment()\` and \`decrement()\`.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

import '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol';

contract Counter is ERC20 \{
    constructor() ERC20("AutonomysTestToken", "TSSCtest") \{\}

    uint256 public number;

    function setNumber(uint256 newNumber) public \{
        number = newNumber;

    function increment() public \{

    function decrement() public \{

Let's also rename the filename to \`Counter.sol\` for consistency. 

5. Deploying a smart contract can be an expensive procedure due to the gas costs associated with the transaction. Hence, it’s advisable to thoroughly test the smart contracts for correctness before proceeding with deployment. To test the contract, open the tests folder and examine the Lock.js file created for us. Replace the internals of the file with the following code:

const \{ expect \} = require("chai");

describe("Counter", function() \{
let Counter;
let counter;
let owner;
let addr1;

beforeEach(async function() \{
    Counter = await ethers.getContractFactory("Counter");
    [owner, addr1] = await ethers.getSigners();

    counter = await Counter.deploy();

describe("Counter operations", function() \{
    it("Should return initial value of zero", async function() \{
    expect(await counter.number()).to.equal(0);

    it("Should set number to a new value", async function() \{
    await counter.setNumber(5);
    expect(await counter.number()).to.equal(5);

    it("Should increment the number", async function() \{
    await counter.setNumber(5);
    await counter.increment();
    expect(await counter.number()).to.equal(6);

    it("Should decrement the number", async function() \{
    await counter.setNumber(5);
    await counter.decrement();
    expect(await counter.number()).to.equal(4);

For consistency, let's also rename \`Lock.js\` to \`CounterTest.js\`

7. To run the test, simply type \`npx hardhat test\`


Great, looks like everything is working as expected. We’re all set for the deployment!

8. In order to deploy the contract, we need to set a deployment network for hardhat. 
Open \`hardhat.config.js\` file and add the subspace to the list of networks. 

module.exports = \{
solidity: "0.8.19",
networks: \{
    subspace: \{
    url: "https://nova-0.taurus.subspace.network/ws",
    accounts: ["private_key_to_your_account"]

> **Tip:** Be careful to not commit hardhat.config.js file as it contain your private key. You can use NPM tools like [dotenv](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv) to securely store your private keys in the \`.env\` file.

9. Open \`deploy.js\` file and replace the content with the code. 


const hre = require("hardhat");

async function main() \{
const Contract = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("Counter");
const contract = await Contract.deploy();

console.log("Contract deployed to:", contract.target);

main().catch((error) => \{
process.exitCode = 1;

10. You're all set to deploy your smart contract on Autonomys Network!
In order to deploy, run \`npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network subspace\`. 

This command will deploy your smart contract on the network we've just specified in \`hardhat.config.js\` file. 

In case of success deployment, you should see \`Contract deployed to: transaction hash\`.  


> **Caution:** In some cases when deploying the script, you may experience **"No manual gas limit set"** or **"Gas estimation failed"** issues. Please refer to [this section](/develop/auto-evm/introduction#gas-estimation-issue) for the solution. 

11. **Congratulations**, you've successfully deployed your smart contract on the Autonomys EVM domain!


### File: evm/introduction.mdx

title: Auto EVM

## Auto EVM

> *Note:* Auto EVM is currenty available exclusively on the **Taurus** testnet. Mainnet availability is planned for [**Mainnet Phase-2**](https://forum.autonomys.xyz/t/phased-launch-roadmap/4414).

**Auto EVM** enables any tool available for Ethereum development to be compatible with the Autonomys Network.

### Quick Start Guide

This guide provides simple instructions for setting up a remote development environment, and assumes you have a basic understanding of or experience with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) development.

#### Set up a MetaMask wallet (or any other EVM-compatible wallet) and connect it to our custom EVM

Network Name: Autonomys EVM
New RPC URL: https://auto-evm-0.taurus.subspace.network/ws
Chain ID: 490000
Currency Symbol: tAI3

#### Send tokens to your wallet using our faucet

Follow the instructions [here](/evm/faucet) to get some testnet AI3 (tAI3) tokens from our **faucet**.

tAI3 (formerly testnet Subspace Credits (tSSC)) is the sole method of payment for gas within the Auto EVM runtime.
We are currently working on a bridge to convert farmed AI3 tokens into EVM-compatible tokens to cover gas fees.

#### Test and deploy your smart contract

You can use **[Remix](https://remix.ethereum.org/)**, **[Foundry](https://book.getfoundry.sh/)**, or any other tool familiar to you to test and deploy your smart contracts on our custom EVM domain.

If anything above is unfamiliar to you, explore our full guide over the following pages.

> *Note:* Do **not** tip when submitting transactions in an attempt to accelerate them. Autonomys' transaction queue operates differently from Ethereum's. Including a tip alongside gas fees leads to the possibility of two transactions sharing the same nonce. This could result in dual charges for gas fees—once for the execution and storage in the first transaction, and once for storage in the second transaction.

### *Known issue: gas estimation*

When deploying smart contracts to our EVM-compatible **Auto EVM** domain, you may encounter an error related to gas estimation, typically presenting as:

\`"No manual gas limit set"\` or \`"Gas estimation failed"\`.

This issue often occurs because development tools like Foundry simulate transactions using calculated or hardcoded gas estimation instead of querying the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) for it. **Auto EVM** may require different gas amounts for certain operations compared to other EVM-compatible chains (like Ethereum testnets).

> *Note:* We have submitted an upstream PR to fix this issue with **Foundry**. Described below are the workarounds until the issue is resolved by the **Foundry team**.

#### Solutions

If you encounter this issue, try the following solutions:

- **Skip simulation**: Use the \`--skip-simulation\` flag when deploying with Foundry to bypass built-in simulation and rely on RPC for gas estimation.

- **Set a manual gas limit**: Specify a higher gas limit manually in your deployment command or UI.

- **Adjust your deployment script**: Modify your script to include custom gas settings or implement \`try\`/\`catch\` blocks for handling deployment failures.

- **Use a web3 provider**: If using **Remix IDE**, switch to an \`Injected Web3\` environment to leverage external web3 providers like MetaMask.

- **Custom deployment function**: Create a deployment function with adjustable gas parameters.

#### Solution examples


1. Try using the \`--skip-simulation\` flag: \`forge script path/to/your/script.s.sol --rpc-url your_rpc_url --private-key your_private_key --broadcast --skip-simulation\`.

2. Try setting the gas limit manually: \`forge script path/to/your/script.s.sol --rpc-url your_rpc_url --private-key your_private_key --broadcast --gas-limit 300000\`.
Start with a higher value (\`300000\`) and gradually lower it to find the optimal limit.

**Remix IDE**

1. Try settiing the gas limit manually: In the \`Deploy & Run Transactions\` panel, expand the \`Advanced\` section.
Set a higher value in the \`Gas Limit\` field. Start with \`300000\` and adjust as needed.

2. Try adjusting the gas price: In the same \`Advanced\` section, adjust the \`Gas Price\` as needed.

3. Try switching to the \`Injected Web3\` environment in the \`Deploy & Run Transactions\` panel: This will use your browser's web3 provider (e.g., MetaMask), which may better handle gas estimation for the network.

4. If the above steps don't work, create a custom deployment function that includes gas parameters:

   function deployWithCustomGas(uint256 gasLimit, uint256 gasPrice) public returns (address) \{
      return address(new YourContract\{gas: gasLimit, gasPrice: gasPrice\}());

**Other possible solutions**

1. Modify your deployment script and override the default gas settings: 

   vm.txGasPrice(uint256 gasPrice);
   vm.txGasLimit(uint256 gasLimit);

2. Implement a \`try\`/\`catch\` block in your script to handle gas estimation failures:

   try yourContract.deploy\{gas: 300000\}(constructorArgs) returns (YourContract deployed) \{
      // Deployment successful
   \} catch Error(string memory reason) \{
      console.log("Deployment failed:", reason);


### File: evm/local.mdx

### Setting up a local development environment

**You can always set up a local network to test and deploy your smart contract!**

To establish a full local network, you need to run a local node, a Core-EVM domain, and a farmer.

First, visit the **[Autonomys releases](https://github.com/autonomys/subspace/releases)** page and download the most up-to-date stable versions of the node and farmer.

> **Tip:** 
>For each release, there are two versions:

>1. skylake: for newer processors from around 2015 and onwards
>2. x86-64-v2: for older processors from around 2009 and some older VMs

>Older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but they can still be [compiled manually](https://github.com/autonomys/subspace/blob/main/docs/development.md) if desired.

After downloading both files that suit your system, start a node using your preferred terminal. If you want to start an EVM domain on your local machine, you need to specify:

- Your local RPC server port
- Your local web-socket RPC port
You can do this with the following command:

./your_subspace_node_path run --dev --rpc-listen-on -- --domain-id 3 --dev --rpc-listen-on

This will create a local RPC on port **8545**.

Secondly, you need to start a farmer by running the following command:

 ./your_subspace_farmer_path farm --reward-address [YOUR REWARD ADDRESS] path=tmp-farm,size=100M

You can specify the desired plot size, but 100M should be sufficient.

**And that’s it!** By starting your **local node** and a **farmer**, you have your **local RPC** ready for testing and deploying your smart contracts! You can easily connect your [MetaMask](https://metamask.io/) account to the local development network, as well as use [Remix](https://remix.ethereum.org/) or [Foundry](https://book.getfoundry.sh/) in order to test and deploy smart contracts on a local network! 


### File: evm/metamask.mdx

## Adding the Autonomys RPC to MetaMask

This guide will help you set up a [**MetaMask**](https://metamask.io/) wallet (any EVM-compatible wallet works) and connect it to the Autonomys EVM development network.

1. Download the MetaMask extension for your browser from the [MetaMask website](https://metamask.io/) after selecting your preferred language (in the top-right corner), and reading and agreeing to MetaMask's Terms of Use.

2. Click on \`Create a new wallet\`. Read and agree to (or skip) the note on gathering and collecting anonymized usage data (it does not affect wallet creation).

3. Set a secure password that’s difficult to guess. Type it twice before proceeding to the next step. MetaMask automatically assesses the strength of your password.
> *Note:* Your password should include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.

4. Watch a video to learn more about your Secret Recovery Phrase before proceeding to the next step.

5. Write down your 12-word Secret Recovery Phrase. 
  > *Note:* The recovery phrase for the wallet in this guide has been deleted.

6. Confirm that you’ve written down the Secret Recovery Phrase by filling in the missing words.

7. You've now created a wallet! Connect to the Autonomys EVM by clicking on the Ethereum Mainnet logo and selecting \`Add network\`.

8. In the MetaMask Networks settings, click on \`Add a network manually\`.

9. Input the values below to connect to the Autonomys RPC: 

  Network Name: Autonomys EVM
  New RPC URL: https://auto-evm-0.taurus.subspace.network/ws
  Chain ID: 490000
  Currency Symbol: tAI3

You have now successfully set up a MetaMask wallet and connected it to the Auto EVM! To deploy a smart contract, you first need to get a small amount of **tAI3** tokens in your wallet. Refer to the [faucet section](http://develop.autonomys.xyz/evm/faucet) of the guide to learn more about getting testnet tokens.


### File: evm/remix.mdx

## Remix IDE Guide

[**Remix**](https://remix-ide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) is a tool that allows you to easily write, test and deploy smart contracts on any EVM-compatible blockchain.

### Getting started

1. Navigate to the [Remix website](https://remix.ethereum.org). You will see a file explorer and interface for creating new workspaces, integrations with GitHub, Gist, IPFS, HTTPS, preloaded templates, and plugins. Create a new workspace by clicking on the + sign next to \`WORKSPACES\`.


2. Choose the ERC20 template and enter any workspace name.


3. After creating your workspace, you will see some folders created for you. Click on \`contracts\` and open \`MyToken.sol\`.


4. Change the name of your contract (\`Counter\`), the name of the token (\`AutonomysTestToken\`), and the token symbol (\`AI3test\`). As an example, let’s add a simple smart contract that has three functions: \`setNumber()\`, \`increment()\` and \`decrement()\`.

  // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

 import '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol';

 contract Counter is ERC20 \{
     constructor() ERC20("AutonomysTestToken", "AI3test") \{\}

     uint256 public number;

     function setNumber(uint256 newNumber) public \{
         number = newNumber;

     function increment() public \{

     function decrement() public \{


5. Next, let’s compile the \`Counter\` contract. Click on \`SOLIDITY COMPILER\` (on the left), choose the compiler version that corresponds to the Solidity version of your contract (version 0.8.9 in the example), and click on \`Compile MyToken.sol\`. If it compiles correctly, you will see a green checkmark next to the compiler.


6. Before proceeding with deployment, thoroughly test your smart contracts for correctness, as mistakes can lead to unforeseen gas costs. As an example, click on the \`tests\` folder and open \`MyToken.sol\`. Test the contract (without making changes) by selecting \`SOLIDITY UNIT TESTING\` (the two ticks in the bar on the left) and clicking \`Run\`.



7. As expected, the test failed because we manually changed the token name and symbol. This is Test Driven Development (TDD) in action! In the test, we're adding some assertions for the \`increment()\` and \`decrement()\` functions. To make the test pass, replace the internals of \`MyToken.sol\` with the code below. In this example, we will set the initial value of \`number\` to 2 and \`increment\` and then \`decrement\` it by 1. We would expect the number to increase to 3 and then decrease back to 2.

  pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
  import "remix_tests.sol";
  import "../contracts/MyToken.sol";

  contract CounterTest is Counter \{

     function testTokenInitialValues() public \{
         Assert.equal(name(), "AutonomysTestToken", "token name did not match");
         Assert.equal(symbol(), "AI3test", "token symbol did not match");
         Assert.equal(decimals(), 18, "token decimals did not match");
         Assert.equal(totalSupply(), 0, "token supply should be zero");

     Counter public counter;

     function setUp() public \{
         counter = new Counter();

     function testIncrement() public \{
         Assert.equal(counter.number(), 3, "test increment did not match");

     function testDecrement() public \{
         Assert.equal(counter.number(), 2, "test decrement did not match");


8. All tests are now passing, meaning our smart contract \`Counter\` is working as expected. We’re now ready to deploy it!


9. Click on the \`DEPLOY AND RUN TRANSACTIONS\` tab (on the left) to deploy. Remix allows you to use one of their existing EVMs or inject your own provider through its integration with MetaMask. Since we already have a [MetaMask account set up](https://develop.autonomys.xyz/evm/metamask), let’s use this option.


10. After ensuring the network you’re connected to is the Autonomys EVM, confirm your MetaMask password when prompted.


11. Adjust the gas limit and deploy your smart contract on the Autonomys EVM domain. Your transaction is now recorded and you can interact with your smart contract at the bottom of the page, meaning it's possible to call the functions \`increment()\` and \`decrement()\`, as well as \`setNumber()\`.

> *Note:* Do not tip when submitting transactions in an attempt to accelerate them as this could result in dual charges for gas fees. When deploying smart contracts to our Auto EVM domain, you may encounter an error related to gas estimation, typically presenting as: \`"No manual gas limit set"\` or \`"Gas estimation failed"\`. For more information and solutions, visit the [Auto EVM Introduction](https://develop.autonomys.xyz/evm/introduction).


Congratulations, you've successfully deployed your smart contract on the Auto EVM!


### File: index.mdx

title: Auto SDK - Build with Autonomys Network
description: Your gateway to building on the Autonomys Network. Streamline dApp development with modular packages and decentralized solutions.

import \{ SDKHeader \} from '../components/landingPage.js'
import \{ SDKOverview \} from '../components/landingPage.js'
import \{ SDKFeatures \} from '../components/landingPage.js'
import \{ SDKResources \} from '../components/landingPage.js'
import \{ SDKCTA \} from '../components/landingPage.js'

<SDKHeader />
<SDKOverview />
<SDKFeatures />
<SDKResources />


### File: introduction.mdx

title: Introduction

## Autonomys Developer Hub

### Introduction
The [**Autonomys Network**](https://autonomys.xyz) is the *only* blockchain that resolves the blockchain trilemma without compromise. Autonomys offers a platform for new and experienced developers to build secure, scalable AI-powered decentralized applications (**super dApps**) and unstoppable, verifiable on-chain agents (**Auto Agents**) with ease, leveraging familiar tools and innovative protocols.

This guide offers an overview of the development options available on the Autonomys Network.

### Is building on Autonomys difficult?

Absolutely not! One of the project's primary objectives is to minimize the barriers to entry for all network participants, from farmers to developers. Building on Autonomys is thus very straightforward, with active support from our team and community available if you ever run into trouble.

Join the Autonomys Discord server, tell us about your idea, and the team will help you see it through to deployment—no project is too ambitious! We pride ourselves on enabling the seemingly un-enableable.

### Development options

Developers can currently choose to build using the:
- **Auto SDK**: a comprehensive toolkit that simplifies development on the Autonomys Network, or the
- **Auto EVM**: Autonomys's EVM-compatible domain, allowing you to utilize all its familiar functionalities.

You will soon be able to build your own local custom virtual machines.

## [Auto SDK](/sdk)

### Key features:
- **Modular Packages**: Partitions functionality intuitively into packages including \`auto-utils\`, \`auto-consensus\`, and \`auto-id\`, allowing you to import only what you need.
- **Simplified Interaction**: Abstracts the complexity of blockchain operations with high-level functions.
- **Flexibility**: Suitable for building AI-powered decentralized applications (super dApps) and on-chain agents (Auto Agents) with ease.

### Getting started with the Auto SDK
To start using the Auto SDK, refer to our [setup instructions](/sdk) to clone the repository, install dependencies, and run tests. The Auto SDK is designed to be developer-friendly, even for first-time developers, ensuring that anyone can get up and running quickly.

## [Auto EVM](/evm/introduction)

> **Note:** Available on the **Taurus** testnet (and Autonomys Mainnet at [**Phase-2 launch**](https://forum.autonomys.xyz/t/phased-launch-roadmap/4414) in Q1 2025)

### Key features:
- **Solidity Smart Contracts**: Write and deploy smart contracts using Solidity, just as you would on Ethereum.
- **Tool Compatibility**: Compatible with any tool available for Ethereum development, including Remix, Truffle, and Hardhat.
- **Familiar Environment**: Leverage existing knowledge and resources from the Ethereum ecosystem to build your application.

### Why use the Auto EVM?
- **Seamless Transition**: Developers familiar with Ethereum can transition to Autonomys without a steep learning curve.
- **Scalability and Security**: Benefit from Autonomys' scalable and secure infrastructure while using tried-and-true development practices.
- **Interoperability**: Create applications that can interact seamlessly with other EVM-compatible networks.

### Getting started with the Auto EVM
To start using the Auto EVM, refer to our [guides and manuals](/evm/introduction).

## RPC endpoints

#### Consensus
- \`wss://rpc.mainnet.subspace.foundation/ws\`
- \`wss://rpc.taurus.subspace.foundation/ws\`

### Auto EVM
- \`wss://auto-evm-0.taurus.subspace.network/ws\`
- \`wss://auto-evm-1.taurus.subspace.network/ws\`

### Auto ID

> **Note:** Available on the **Gemini-3h** testnet (availability on Taurus and Mainnet is planned at [**Phase-2 launch**](https://forum.autonomys.xyz/t/phased-launch-roadmap/4414) in Q1 2025)

- \`wss://autoid-0.gemini-3h.subspace.network/ws\`

## Questions or feedback? Post on our [forum](https://forum.autonomys.xyz/) or in the *#developer-chat* channel on our [Discord](https://discord.gg/EAw6B48r).

To access the developer role-gated *#developer-chat* channel:
1. Join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/vhv5cEZN).
2. Click on Autonomys Network in the top-left corner and choose **Linked Roles**.

3. Link your GitHub account to attain the developer role and gain access to *#developer-chat*. 


### File: llm_friendly_docs.mdx

title: LLM-Friendly Documentation

import \{ CopyButton \} from '../components/CopyButton'

<div className="raw-content">

<CopyButton />

### File: evm/block_explorer.mdx

### EVM Domain Auto EVM Block Explorer

**[Auto EVM Block Explorer](https://blockscout.taurus.autonomys.xyz/)**

This early version provides a clear and user-friendly visualization of Autonomys-specific statistics that cater to the needs of our farmers and developers.

On the top of the page, you can easily toggle between **all available networks** and **EVM**. 



### File: evm/faucet.mdx

### How to get some test tokens

**The Faucet** is available on our [**Discord server**](https://autonomys.xyz/discord).

In order to get access to the role-gated developer chat and faucet channel:
1. Join our [Discord](https://autonomys.xyz/discord)
2. Click on Autonomys Network at the top left corner and choose **Linked Roles**.


3. Link your GitHub account to get a developer role and gain access to **developer-chat**. 

4. As soon as you get a **Developer** role, the [**Faucet**](https://discord.com/channels/864285291518361610/1133496871499862077) channel will become available to you. 

5. You can use a slash command \\`/faucet your_EVM_wallet_address_here\\` to request tokens. 

6. In case of a successful request, you will see the confirmation and link to the blockscout explorer shortly.

7. You can request tokens once every 24 hours.


### File: evm/foundry.mdx

### Testing and deploying smart contracts using [Foundry](https://book.getfoundry.sh/)

1. Use \\`foundryup\\` toolchain installer
 curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
 This will install \\`foundryup\\`, then simply follow the instructions on-screen, which will make the foundryup command available in your CLI.
 Running \\`foundryup\\` by itself will install the latest precompiled binaries: \\`forge\\`, \\`cast\\`, \\`anvil\\`, and \\`chisel\\`. See \\`foundryup --help\\` for more options.

 > **Note:**If you're on Windows, you will need to install and use [Git BASH](https://gitforwindows.org/) or [WSL](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install), as your terminal, since Foundryup does not currently support \\`PowerShell\\` or \\`Cmd\\`.

2.  Once installed, create a project. Let’s name it \\`hello_subspace\\`.

    To initialize the project, run 
    forge init hello_subspace
    cd into \\`hello_subspace\\` directory and let’s have a look at the project’s structure.


3. All the necessary repo structure was created automatically, so we can start writing and testing our smart contracts right away. As you can see, there are separate directories for storing smart contracts (src) and testing smart contracts (test).
    Let’s have a look at the \\`Counter.sol\\` smart contract and add a few more functions to the standard behavior. Our smart contract will have three functions: \\`setNumber()\\` that sets the uint256 number to the provided value, \\`increment()\\` which increases the value by 1 and \\`decrement()\\` which decreases the value by 1.

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
    pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

    contract Counter \\{
        uint256 public number;

        function setNumber(uint256 newNumber) public \\{
            number = newNumber;

        function increment() public \\{

        function decrement() public \\{

4. Let’s make sure that all functions are working properly by adding a couple of tests to the \\`Counter.t.sol\\` test file and check if they pass.

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
    pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

    import "forge-std/Test.sol";
    import "../src/Counter.sol";

    contract CounterTest is Test \\{
        Counter public counter;

        function setUp() public \\{
            counter = new Counter();

        function testIncrement() public \\{
            assertEq(counter.number(), 3);

        function testSetNumber(uint256 x) public \\{
            assertEq(counter.number(), x);

        function testDecrement() public \\{
            assertEq(counter.number(), 1);

5. In our tests, we first set the initial value of number to two, then check if function \\`increment()\\` increases the value by 1 and if \\`decrement()\\` decreases the value by 1.
    Let’s build a project by running: 

    forge build

    and ensure that tests are working as expected by running 

    forge test


    Nice, all tests are passing, meaning the smart contract is working as expected.

6. Next, there are **two things** we need to set, in order to **deploy our smart contract**:
    - We need to connect a wallet that has sufficient balance of tAI3 to cover the gas fees.
    - We need to set an environment variable we will use later.

    In order to make our lives easier, let’s create a new \\`Makefile\\` as well as \\`.env\\` file at the root of our project.
    \\`.env\\` files are typically used to store environment variables for your application. They are particularly useful for managing settings that change between deployment environments (e.g., development, testing, staging, and production), and for storing sensitive information.

    Environment variables can include database connection details, API keys, external resource URIs, or other configuration variables that might change depending on the environment in which the application is running. In our case, we would use it to point to our Core-EVM RPC url by setting


    And then set a private key for the EVM-compatible wallet

    > **Tip:** It's important to note that .env files should not be committed to your source control (like Git), especially when they contain sensitive data, like your private key. To prevent this, add .env to your .gitignore file. This helps to keep sensitive keys secure and avoids the risk of exposing them in the application's code or version control history.

    In the Makefile, let’s create shortcuts to the main features of the application

    # include .env file and export its env vars
    -include .env

    # Builds
	    @forge clean && forge build --optimize --optimizer-runs 1000000

    # Deployment
	    @forge create Counter --private-key \\$\\{PRIVATE_KEY\\} --rpc-url \\$\\{RPC_URL\\}

    We're importing the values for a \\`PRIVATE_KEY\\` and \\`RPC_URL\\` from the \\`.env\\` file.

    This allows us to run \\`make build\\` for building the project and \\`make deploy\\` for deploying the project pointing to the provided RPC and using the provided private_key.

    Let’s run 

    make build

    to make sure it’s working properly.


7. In order to deploy your contract using the specified **\\`RPC\\`** and **\\`PRIVATE_KEY\\`** just run

    make deploy
    > **Caution:** Do not attempt to speed up a transaction (do not include a tip on top of the gas fees). To read more about this, please refer to [this section](/develop/auto-evm/introduction#important-note-about-submitting-a-transaction).

    > **Caution:** In some cases when deploying the script, you may experience **"No manual gas limit set"** or **"Gas estimation failed"** issues. Please refer to [this section](/develop/auto-evm/introduction#gas-estimation-issue) for the solution. 

8. **Congratulations**, you've successfully deployed your smart contract on Autonomys EVM! 


### File: evm/general_information.mdx

### What tools are available for developers?
Developing smart contracts involves a suite of tools that aid in writing, testing and deploying code on the blockchain. **Autonomys utilizes an instance of the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Therefore, every tool used to build, test, and deploy smart contracts on Ethereum is also available for Autonomys!**

First, Solidity is the primary programming language for writing smart contracts. It is statically typed, supports inheritance, libraries, and complex user-defined types, making it familiar for developers with a background in other statically typed languages such as C++, Java, or JavaScript.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) such as the [Remix IDE](https://remix.ethereum.org/) are often used to aid in writing smart contracts. Remix IDE is a browser-based IDE that enables you to write, deploy, and interact with Solidity smart contracts. It features a built-in static analysis tool that checks your code for common errors.

For local development and testing, you have multiple options. You can spin up your own version of an Autonomys Developer Node and farmer to deploy contracts, develop applications, and run tests. Alternatively, you can use Ethereum development tools like [Hardhat](https://hardhat.org/hardhat-network/docs/overview) or [Anvil](https://book.getfoundry.sh/anvil/), which are fully compatible with Autonomys due to their EVM compatibility.

For deploying and interacting with smart contracts, a JavaScript provider like the one injected by the [MetaMask](https://metamask.io/) browser extension is used. This provider enables JavaScript applications to communicate with the Autonomys network or any Ethereum-compatible network. It's compatible with both [ethers.js](https://docs.ethers.org/v5/), [web3.js](https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/v1.10.0/) and [Web3.py](https://web3py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/), allowing developers to use either library for their blockchain operations.

All these tools together provide an ecosystem for EVM-compatible smart contract development, making the process more manageable and efficient.

### Smart Contract
A smart contract is a digital agreement coded into a blockchain network, designed to automatically execute or enforce the terms of a contract. These self-executing contracts, primarily developed on decentralized computer systems, eliminate the need for an intermediary by conducting transactions directly between parties. Smart contracts are transparent, traceable, and irreversible, providing immediate certainty about outcomes once preset conditions are met. They streamline various applications, from finance to supply chain management, by automating workflows and facilitating trustless interactions.

### Differences with Ethereum
Autonomys Token (AI3) (TSSC for Subspace Credit during the testnet) is the sole method of payment for gas within the Autonomys EVM runtime.
There will be a bridge to convert farmed tokens into EVM-compatible tokens to cover the gas fees, however, at the moment the only viable option to get some tAI3 on your wallet is through the Autonomys [faucet](/develop/auto-evm/faucet).

### What is Solidity? 
Solidity is a statically typed, contract-oriented, high-level language primarily used for implementing smart contracts on blockchain platforms like Ethereum. Its syntax is similar to that of JavaScript and C++, which makes it relatively easy for developers from those language backgrounds to pick it up. Its features such as contract classes, inheritance, complex user-defined types, and libraries bring object-oriented programming capabilities to blockchain development.

One of the key features of Solidity is its first-class support for "contracts." These are akin to classes in object-oriented languages but are deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing them to maintain a persistent state over time and interact with other contracts, the same way as objects interact in traditional programming.

Moreover, Solidity comes with safety features, such as a robust type system and control structures, which help prevent bugs. It also provides a variety of built-in functions for performing operations like cryptographic hashing, signature verification, and address checking, making it easier to write secure code.

The popularity of Solidity is primarily due to its design for Ethereum, the leading smart contract platform. As Ethereum gained traction for decentralized applications (dApps), Solidity became the go-to language for writing smart contracts for these applications. Furthermore, its resemblance to widely-used languages like JavaScript and C++ helped its adoption amongst developers.

Lastly, Solidity is continually evolving with frequent updates, new features, and improvements that address the unique needs of blockchain development. This responsive development and the thriving community around it further solidify its position as the leading language for smart contract development.

Solidity has a great community of developers and extensive documentation is available on the official [website](https://soliditylang.org/).


### File: evm/hardhat.mdx

### Hardhat testing and deployment
Hardhat is an excellent tool that facilitates building on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. It helps developers manage and automate the recurring tasks that are inherent to the process of building smart contracts and dApps, and it allows them to easily introduce more functionality around this workflow. This includes compiling and testing at the very core. Flexible deployment options also allow you to point to the Autonomys EVM domain RPC to deploy your contracts and dApps.

Official documentation for Hardhat is available [on their website](https://hardhat.org/docs), but this guide will cover everything required to get you started.

Make sure you have [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en) version >=16.0 installed.

1. Open a new terminal and run these commands to create a new folder for the project. 

mkdir subspace-hardhat
cd subspace-hardhat

2. Then initialize an npm project as shown below. You'll be prompted to answer some questions.

npm install --save-dev hardhat
npm install --save-dev @openzeppelin/contracts
npx hardhat

Select "Create a JavaScript Project" from the list of the available options. Select project root folder and select to create a .gitignore file (optional). 


3. Right after you create your workspace, you will notice several folders. All of your contracts will reside inside the \\`contracts\\` folder, deployment scripts are available inside the \\`scripts\\` folder, and tests can be found inside the \\`test\\` folder. Click on the contracts folder and open \\`Lock.sol\\`.


4. When in \\`Lock.sol\\`, you can change the name of your contract (in the example, to \\`Counter\\`), the name of the token (in this example, we're calling it \\`AutonomysTestToken\\`) and the token symbol (we're using \\`TSSCtest\\`).

Let’s add a simple smart contract that has three functions - \\`setNumber()\\`, \\`increment()\\` and \\`decrement()\\`.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

import '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol';

contract Counter is ERC20 \\{
    constructor() ERC20("AutonomysTestToken", "TSSCtest") \\{\\}

    uint256 public number;

    function setNumber(uint256 newNumber) public \\{
        number = newNumber;

    function increment() public \\{

    function decrement() public \\{

Let's also rename the filename to \\`Counter.sol\\` for consistency. 

5. Deploying a smart contract can be an expensive procedure due to the gas costs associated with the transaction. Hence, it’s advisable to thoroughly test the smart contracts for correctness before proceeding with deployment. To test the contract, open the tests folder and examine the Lock.js file created for us. Replace the internals of the file with the following code:

const \\{ expect \\} = require("chai");

describe("Counter", function() \\{
let Counter;
let counter;
let owner;
let addr1;

beforeEach(async function() \\{
    Counter = await ethers.getContractFactory("Counter");
    [owner, addr1] = await ethers.getSigners();

    counter = await Counter.deploy();

describe("Counter operations", function() \\{
    it("Should return initial value of zero", async function() \\{
    expect(await counter.number()).to.equal(0);

    it("Should set number to a new value", async function() \\{
    await counter.setNumber(5);
    expect(await counter.number()).to.equal(5);

    it("Should increment the number", async function() \\{
    await counter.setNumber(5);
    await counter.increment();
    expect(await counter.number()).to.equal(6);

    it("Should decrement the number", async function() \\{
    await counter.setNumber(5);
    await counter.decrement();
    expect(await counter.number()).to.equal(4);

For consistency, let's also rename \\`Lock.js\\` to \\`CounterTest.js\\`

7. To run the test, simply type \\`npx hardhat test\\`


Great, looks like everything is working as expected. We’re all set for the deployment!

8. In order to deploy the contract, we need to set a deployment network for hardhat. 
Open \\`hardhat.config.js\\` file and add the subspace to the list of networks. 

module.exports = \\{
solidity: "0.8.19",
networks: \\{
    subspace: \\{
    url: "https://nova-0.taurus.subspace.network/ws",
    accounts: ["private_key_to_your_account"]

> **Tip:** Be careful to not commit hardhat.config.js file as it contain your private key. You can use NPM tools like [dotenv](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv) to securely store your private keys in the \\`.env\\` file.

9. Open \\`deploy.js\\` file and replace the content with the code. 


const hre = require("hardhat");

async function main() \\{
const Contract = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("Counter");
const contract = await Contract.deploy();

console.log("Contract deployed to:", contract.target);

main().catch((error) => \\{
process.exitCode = 1;

10. You're all set to deploy your smart contract on Autonomys Network!
In order to deploy, run \\`npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network subspace\\`. 

This command will deploy your smart contract on the network we've just specified in \\`hardhat.config.js\\` file. 

In case of success deployment, you should see \\`Contract deployed to: transaction hash\\`.  


> **Caution:** In some cases when deploying the script, you may experience **"No manual gas limit set"** or **"Gas estimation failed"** issues. Please refer to [this section](/develop/auto-evm/introduction#gas-estimation-issue) for the solution. 

11. **Congratulations**, you've successfully deployed your smart contract on the Autonomys EVM domain!


### File: evm/intro.mdx

> **Note:** Currently, Auto EVM is available exclusively on **Taurus** network. 
>Auto EVM's availability on the mainnet is planned for **Phase 2 of the mainnet launch**. For further details, please refer to our [Phased Launch Roadmap](https://forum.autonomys.xyz/t/phased-launch-roadmap/4414) post on the forum.

## The only tools needed to get you started
The Quick Start is designed with the presumption that you are not a novice developer and have some basic understanding or experience. The Quick Start also anticipates that you seek a straightforward initiation into setting up a remote development environment.

Autonomys utilizes EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) so any tool available for Ethereum development is compatible with Autonomys.

### Setup a MetaMask Wallet (or any other EVM-compatible wallet) and connect it to our custom EVM
Network Name: Autonomys EVM
New RPC URL: https://auto-evm-0.taurus.subspace.network/ws
Chain ID: 490000
Currency Symbol: tAI3

### Get tokens to your wallet using our faucet
Follow the instructions [here](/develop/auto-evm/faucet) to use our **Faucet** to get some tAI3.

### Test and deploy your smart contract
You can use **[Remix](https://remix.ethereum.org/)**, **[Foundry](https://book.getfoundry.sh/)** or any other tool familiar to you for testing and deploying your smart contracts. Just make sure to use our custom EVM domain and you're all set.

If anything above sounds unfamiliar, you can always fall back to our full guide. 

### Important note about submitting a transaction

Please avoid attempting to accelerate a transaction by including a tip alongside the gas fees. The transaction queue operates differently with Autonomys, leading to the possibility of two transactions sharing the same nonce. This could result in dual charges for gas fees - once for the execution and storage in the first transaction, and solely for storage in the second transaction. To prevent this scenario, ensure that you refrain from adding a tip in an attempt to speed the transaction up.

### Gas Estimation Issue

When deploying smart contracts to our EVM-compatible domain **Auto EVM**, you may encounter an error related to gas estimation, typically presenting as:

\\`"No manual gas limit set" or "Gas estimation failed"\\`.

This issue often occurs because development tools like Foundry simulate transactions and use calculated or hardcoded gas estimation instead of querying the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) for it. **Auto EVM** may require different gas amounts for certain operations compared to other EVM-compatible chains like Ethereum's testnets.

> **Note:** We have submitted an upstream PR to fix this issue with **Foundry**. Described below are the workarounds, until the issue is resolved by the **Foundry team**.

#### Solutions

If you encounter this issue, try the following solutions:

- Skip simulation: Use the \\`--skip-simulation\\` flag when deploying with Foundry to bypass built-in simulation and rely on RPC for gas estimation.

- Set manual gas limit: Specify a higher gas limit manually in your deployment command or UI.

- Adjust deployment script: Modify your script to include custom gas settings or implement \\`try/catch\\` blocks for handling deployment failures.

- Use Web3 provider: If using **Remix IDE**, switch to \\`Injected Web3\\` environment to leverage external Web3 providers like MetaMask.

- Custom deployment function: Create a deployment function with adjustable gas parameters. 

#### Solution examples


1. Try using \\`--skip-simulation\\` flag: \\`forge script path/to/your/script.s.sol --rpc-url your_rpc_url --private-key your_private_key --broadcast --skip-simulation\\`.

2. Try setting the gas limit manually: \\`forge script path/to/your/script.s.sol --rpc-url your_rpc_url --private-key your_private_key --broadcast --gas-limit 300000\\`.

Adjust the gas limit value as needed. Start with a higher value and gradually lower it to find the optimal limit.

**Remix IDE**

1. Try settiing gas limit manually: In the **Deploy & Run Transactions** panel, expand the **Advanced** section.
Set a higher value in the **Gas Limit** field. Try starting with **300000** and adjust as needed.

2. Try adjusting gas price: In the same **Advanced** section, you can also adjust the **Gas Price** if needed.

3. Try switching to the **Injected Web3** environment in the **Deploy & Run Transactions** panel. This will use your browser's Web3 provider (like MetaMask) which might handle gas estimation better for the network.

4. If the above steps don't work, you can create a custom deployment function that includes gas parameters:

   function deployWithCustomGas(uint256 gasLimit, uint256 gasPrice) public returns (address) \\{
      return address(new YourContract\\{gas: gasLimit, gasPrice: gasPrice\\}());

**Other possible solution**

1. Modify your deployment script and override the default gas settings: 

   vm.txGasPrice(uint256 gasPrice);
   vm.txGasLimit(uint256 gasLimit);

2. Implement a try/catch block in your script to handle gas estimation failures:

   try yourContract.deploy\\{gas: 300000\\}(constructorArgs) returns (YourContract deployed) \\{
      // Deployment successful
   \\} catch Error(string memory reason) \\{
      console.log("Deployment failed:", reason);


### Have any questions? Feel free to post them on [our forum](https://forum.autonomys.xyz/) or in our [Developer-chat on Discord](https://discord.gg/EAw6B48r).

In order to get access to the role-gated developer chat:
1. Join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/vhv5cEZN)
2. Click on Autonomys Network at the top left corner and choose **Linked Roles**.


3. Link your GitHub account to get a developer role and gain access to **developer-chat**. 


### File: evm/local.mdx

### Setting up a local development environment

**You can always set up a local network to test and deploy your smart contract!**

To establish a full local network, you need to run a local node, a Core-EVM domain, and a farmer.

First, visit the **[Autonomys releases](https://github.com/autonomys/subspace/releases)** page and download the most up-to-date stable versions of the node and farmer.

> **Tip:** 
>For each release, there are two versions:

>1. skylake: for newer processors from around 2015 and onwards
>2. x86-64-v2: for older processors from around 2009 and some older VMs

>Older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but they can still be [compiled manually](https://github.com/autonomys/subspace/blob/main/docs/development.md) if desired.

After downloading both files that suit your system, start a node using your preferred terminal. If you want to start an EVM domain on your local machine, you need to specify:

- Your local RPC server port
- Your local web-socket RPC port
You can do this with the following command:

./your_subspace_node_path run --dev --rpc-listen-on -- --domain-id 3 --dev --rpc-listen-on

This will create a local RPC on port **8545**.

Secondly, you need to start a farmer by running the following command:

 ./your_subspace_farmer_path farm --reward-address [YOUR REWARD ADDRESS] path=tmp-farm,size=100M

You can specify the desired plot size, but 100M should be sufficient.

**And that’s it!** By starting your **local node** and a **farmer**, you have your **local RPC** ready for testing and deploying your smart contracts! You can easily connect your [MetaMask](https://metamask.io/) account to the local development network, as well as use [Remix](https://remix.ethereum.org/) or [Foundry](https://book.getfoundry.sh/) in order to test and deploy smart contracts on a local network! 


### File: evm/metamask.mdx

### Adding Autonomys RPC using MetaMask
You can use any EVM-compatible wallet, this guide will be using [**MetaMask**](https://metamask.io/) wallet.

First, let’s set up a MetaMask wallet and then go over connecting it to the Autonomys Development Network.

1. Go to the [MetaMask Website](https://metamask.io/) and download an extension for your browser.
   Select your preferred language in the top-right corner. 
   Read and agree to MetaMask's terms of use.


2. Click on “Create a new wallet”.
  Read a note on gathering usage data and either agree to collect your anonymized data, or skip this step. It does not affect the creation of a wallet. 


3. On the next screen you will be asked to create a password. Remember to always set a secure password that’s difficult to guess. Type your password twice before proceeding to the next step.


4. MetaMask automatically assesses the strength of your password. 
  > **Tip:** As a rule of thumb, you should set a strong password, meaning that it includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.


5. Watch a video to learn more about your Secret Recovery Phrase before proceeding to the next step. 


6. Have a look and write down your 12-word recovery phrase. 
  > **Info:** The wallet with the recovery phrase for this guide will be deleted right after the guide is complete.


7. Confirm that you’ve written down the recovery phrase by filling in the missing words of your recovery phrase. 


8. Now that your wallet is created, let’s connect to the Autonomys Core EVM. Click on the Ethereum Mainnet logo and select Add Network.


9. At the settings, click on “Add a network manually”


10. To connect to Autonomys RPC specify the values below

  Network Name: Autonomys EVM
  New RPC URL: https://auto-evm-0.taurus.subspace.network/ws
  Chain ID: 490000
  Currency Symbol: tAI3

You're all set, **you have successfully configured your MetaMask wallet** and connected it to **Autonomys Core EVM**. To deploy your smart contract, you first need to get a small amount of **tAI3**  tokens into your wallet. Please make sure to refer to the [faucet section](/develop/auto-evm/faucet) of the guide to learn more about getting test tokens. 


### File: evm/remix.mdx

### Remix IDE guide
Remix is a great tool that allows you to easily write, test and deploy smart contracts on any EVM-compatible  blockchain. Moreover, integration with MetaMask allows the utilization of any RPC, that’s why we’ve just set up a reference to Autonomys core EVM in our MetaMask wallet!

Remix has [amazing documentation](https://remix-ide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), but this guide will cover everything required to get you started.

1. Using the browser of your choice navigate to **[Remix website](https://remix.ethereum.org)**.
You will see a file explorer and interface for creating new workspaces, integrations with GitHub, Gist, IPFS, HTTPS, preloaded templates, and plugins.
Let’s create a new workspace by clicking on the + sign beside WORKSPACES.


2. You can enter any name and use the ERC20 template.


3. Right after you create your workspace, you will see a few folders created for you.
Let’s click on contracts and have a look at \\`MyToken.sol\\`.


4. Here, you can change the name of your contract (in the example, to \\`Counter\\`), the name of the token (in this example, we're calling it \\`SubspaceTestToken\\`) and the token symbol (we're using \\`TSSCtest\\`).
Let’s add a simple smart contract that has three functions - \\`setNumber()\\`, \\`increment()\\` and \\`decrement()\\`.

  // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

 import '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol';

 contract Counter is ERC20 \\{
     constructor() ERC20("AutonomysTestToken", "TSSCtest") \\{\\}

     uint256 public number;

     function setNumber(uint256 newNumber) public \\{
         number = newNumber;

     function increment() public \\{

     function decrement() public \\{


5. Next, let’s compile a \\`Counter\\` contract. To compile, click on SOLIDITY COMPILER on the left and choose the compiler version that corresponds to the Solidity version of your contract. In our case, it’s version 0.8.9.
Click on \\`Compile MyToken.sol\\` and check if it compiles correctly. If it does, you will see a green checkmark by the compiler.


6. Deploying a smart contract could be an expensive procedure, based on the gas costs associated with the transaction. That is why it’s recommended that you thoroughly test the smart contracts for correctness before proceeding with deployment.
To test the contract, let’s open the tests folder and have a look at \\`MyToken.sol\\` created for us.      
Let’s first try to run a test as is without making any changes.


7. To run the tests, select SOLIDITY UNIT TESTING in the bar on the left and click Run.


8. As expected, the test failed because we manually changed the token name and symbol.
This is Test Driven Development (TDD) in action! In order to make the test pass, replace the internals of \\`MyToken.sol\\` with the provided below code. In the test, we're adding a few assertions for the \\`increment()\\` and \\`decrement()\\` functions. In this example, we will set up an initial value of \\`number\\` to 2 and \\`increment\\` and then \\`decrement\\` it by 1. We would expect the number to increase to 3 and then decrease back to 2.

  pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
  import "remix_tests.sol";
  import "../contracts/MyToken.sol";

  contract CounterTest is Counter \\{

     function testTokenInitialValues() public \\{
         Assert.equal(name(), "AutonomysTestToken", "token name did not match");
         Assert.equal(symbol(), "TSSCtest", "token symbol did not match");
         Assert.equal(decimals(), 18, "token decimals did not match");
         Assert.equal(totalSupply(), 0, "token supply should be zero");

     Counter public counter;

     function setUp() public \\{
         counter = new Counter();

     function testIncrement() public \\{
         Assert.equal(counter.number(), 3, "test increment did not match");

     function testDecrement() public \\{
         Assert.equal(counter.number(), 2, "test decrement did not match");


9. Great, all tests are now passing which means our smart contract \\`Counter\\` is indeed working as we expect.
We’re all set to deploy it now!


10. To deploy click on the DEPLOY AND RUN TRANSACTIONS tab on the left.
Remix allows you to use one of the existing EVMs or inject your own provider through its integration with MetaMask.
Since we already have a MetaMask Account set up, let’s use this option.


11. You will be prompted to confirm the password with MetaMask, just make sure that the network you’re connected to is Autonomys EVM.


12. Adjust the gas limit and deploy your smart contract on Autonomys Core EVM.
Now your transaction is recorded and you can interact with your smart contract at the bottom of the page - it's possible to call the functions \\`increment()\\` and \\`decrement()\\` as well as \\`setNumber()\\`

> **Caution:** Do not attempt to speed up a transaction (do not include a tip on top of the gas fees). To read more about this, please refer to [this section](/develop/auto-evm/introduction#important-note-about-submitting-a-transaction).

> **Caution:** In some cases when deploying the script, you may experience **"No manual gas limit set"** or **"Gas estimation failed"** issues. Please refer to [this section](/develop/auto-evm/introduction#gas-estimation-issue) for the solution. 


Congratulations, you've just deployed your smart contract on Autonomys Core EVM!


### File: index.mdx

### Introduction
Autonomys is a secure, scalable, and decentralized blockchain that resolves the blockchain trilemma without making compromises. It offers a platform where developers can build applications with ease, leveraging innovative protocols and familiar tools. This guide provides an overview of the development options available on the Autonomys Network.

### Is It Difficult to Build Applications on Autonomys?

Absolutely not! Our primary objective is to minimize barriers to entry for both farmers and developers.

We pride ourselves on enabling unlimited possibilities - there are no boundaries!

## Development Options

**Developers** can choose to utilize **Auto SDK** - a comprehensive toolkit designed to simplify development on the Autonomys Network, or **Auto EVM** - Autonomys's EVM-compatible domain, allowing you to utilize all the familiar functionalities available on networks like Ethereum. Soon, you'll also be able to build your own local custom virtual machines.

## [Auto SDK](/develop/auto-sdk/intro)

### Key Features:
- **Modular Packages**: The SDK is organized into packages like auto-utils, auto-consensus, and auto-id. This partitions functionality intuitively and allows you to import only what you need.
- **Simplified Interactions**: Abstracts the complexity of blockchain operations with high-level functions.
- **Flexibility**: Suitable for building decentralized applications (dApps) and services with ease.

### Getting Started with Auto SDK
To start using Auto SDK, refer to our [Setup Instructions](/develop/auto-sdk/intro) to clone the repository, install dependencies, and run tests. The SDK is designed to be developer-friendly, ensuring you can get up and running quickly.

## [Auto EVM - EVM Compatible Domain](/develop/auto-evm/introduction)

> **Info:**
>Currently, Auto EVM is available exclusively on the **Taurus** network.

>Auto EVM's availability on the mainnet is planned for **Phase 2 of the mainnet launch**. For further details, please refer to our [Phased Launch Roadmap](https://forum.autonomys.xyz/t/phased-launch-roadmap/4414) post on the forum.

### Key Features:
- **Solidity Smart Contracts**: Write and deploy smart contracts using Solidity, just as you would on Ethereum.
- **Tool Compatibility**: Any tool available for Ethereum development - like Remix, Truffle, or Hardhat - is compatible with Auto EVM.
- **Seamless Transition**: Developers familiar with Ethereum can transition to Autonomys without a steep learning curve.

### Why Use Auto EVM?
- **Familiar Environment**: Leverage existing knowledge and resources from the Ethereum ecosystem.
- **Scalability and Security**: Benefit from Autonomys's scalable and secure infrastructure while using tried-and-true development practices.
- **Interoperability**: Create applications that can interact seamlessly with other EVM-compatible networks.

### Getting Started with Auto EVM
To start using Auto EVM, refer to our [Guides and Manuals](/develop/auto-evm/introduction).

## RPC endpoints

**List of Currently Active RPCs endpoints**

#### Consensus
- wss://rpc-0.taurus.subspace.network/ws
- wss://rpc-1.taurus.subspace.network/ws
- wss://rpc.taurus.subspace.foundation/ws
- wss://rpc.mainnet.subspace.foundation/ws

>**Tip:** Auto EVM
>Currently, Auto EVM is available exclusively on the taurus network. Availability on mainnet is planned in Q1, 2025

#### Auto EVM
- wss://auto-evm-0.taurus.subspace.network/ws
- wss://auto-evm-1.taurus.subspace.network/ws

>**Tip:** Auto ID
> Currently, Auto ID is available exclusively on the **taurus** test network. It will soon be accessible on **Taurus** and **Mainnet**.

#### Auto ID
- wss://autoid-0.taurus.subspace.network/ws


### File: sdk/auto-consensus.mdx

import AutoConsensusFetchBalance from '/components/auto_consensus_fetch_balance.js';

## Auto-Consensus Package Documentation

### Introduction

The \\`@autonomys/auto-consensus\\` package provides functions for interacting with the Consensus Layer of the Autonomys Network. It allows developers to perform actions such as account management, balance inquiries, transfers, staking operations, and more. This package works hand-in-hand with \\`@autonomys/auto-utils\\` to simplify blockchain interactions.

### Installation

Install the package via npm or yarn:

# Using npm
npm install @autonomys/auto-consensus

# Using yarn
yarn add @autonomys/auto-consensus

### Importing the Package

Before using the functions provided by the \\`auto-consensus\\` package, you need to import them into your project:

// Import specific functions
import \\{ balance, transfer, account \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';

// Or import everything
import * as consensus from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';

### Overview of the \\`api\\` Object

Many functions in the \\`auto-consensus\\` package require an \\`api\\` object as a parameter. This \\`api\\` object is an instance of \\`ApiPromise\\` from the Polkadot.js API library, which serves as the gateway to interact with the blockchain node.

**Core Components of \\`api\\`**:

- **api.rpc**: Methods to perform remote procedure calls to the node.
- **api.query**: Access to the blockchain's runtime storage.
- **api.tx**: Create and submit extrinsics (transactions) to the blockchain.
- **api.consts**: Runtime constants defined in the blockchain's metadata.
- **api.events**: Access to events emitted by the blockchain.
- **api.types**: Type definitions used by the chain.


import \\{ createConnection \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

async function getApiInstance() \\{
  const endpoint = 'wss://rpc-0.taurus.subspace.network/ws';
  const api = await createConnection(endpoint);
  return api;


## Available Functions

### Account Management

- **\\`account(api, address): Promise<AccountData>\\`**: Retrieves account's nonce and balance data.
- **\\`balance(api, address): Promise<BalanceData>\\`**: Retrieves an account's balance details.

### Balances

- **\\`totalIssuance(networkId?): Promise<BigInt>\\`**: Gets total token issuance in the network.
- **\\`batch(api, txs[]): SubmittableExtrinsic\\`**: Creates a batch transaction for multiple operations.

### Blockchain Information

- **\\`block(api): Promise<RawBlock>\\`**: Retrieves the latest block data.
- **\\`header(api): Promise<RawBlockHeader>\\`**: Retrieves the latest block header.
- **\\`blockHash(api): Promise<string>\\`**: Retrieves the latest block hash.
- **\\`blockNumber(api): Promise<number>\\`**: Retrieves the current block number.
- **\\`networkTimestamp(api): Promise<bigint>\\`**: Retrieves the network timestamp.

### Consensus Information

- **\\`blockchainSize(api): Promise<bigint>\\`**: Calculates the blockchain's total size.
- **\\`spacePledged(api): Promise<bigint>\\`**: Calculates total space pledged by farmers.
- **\\`solutionRanges(api): Promise<SolutionRanges>\\`**: Retrieves current and next solution ranges.
- **\\`shouldAdjustSolutionRange(api): Promise<boolean>\\`**: Checks if solution range needs adjustment.
- **\\`segmentCommitment(api): Promise<[StorageKey<AnyTuple>, Codec][]>\\`**: Gets segment commitment entries.
- **\\`slotProbability(api): [number, number]\\`**: Returns slot probability constants.
- **\\`maxPiecesInSector(api): bigint\\`**: Returns maximum pieces in a sector.

### Domains

- **\\`domainStakingSummary(api): Promise<DomainStakingSummary[]>\\`**: Retrieves domain staking summaries.
- **\\`domains(api): Promise<DomainRegistry[]>\\`**: Retrieves domain registries.
- **\\`latestConfirmedDomainBlock(api): Promise<ConfirmedDomainBlock[]>\\`**: Retrieves latest confirmed blocks per domain.

### Operators and Staking

- **\\`operators(api): Promise<Operator[]>\\`**: Retrieves list of all operators.
- **\\`operator(api, operatorId): Promise<OperatorDetails>\\`**: Retrieves details of a specific operator.
- **\\`deposits(api, operatorId, account?): Promise<Deposit[]>\\`**: Retrieves deposits for an operator.
- **\\`withdrawals(api, operatorId, account?): Promise<Withdrawal[]>\\`**: Retrieves withdrawals for an operator.
- **\\`registerOperator(params): SubmittableExtrinsic\\`**: Creates a transaction to register a new operator.
- **\\`nominateOperator(params): SubmittableExtrinsic\\`**: Creates a transaction to nominate an operator.
- **\\`withdrawStake(params): SubmittableExtrinsic\\`**: Creates a transaction to withdraw staked tokens.
- **\\`deregisterOperator(params): SubmittableExtrinsic\\`**: Creates a transaction to deregister an operator.
- **\\`unlockFunds(params): SubmittableExtrinsic\\`**: Creates a transaction to unlock staked funds.
- **\\`unlockNominator(params): SubmittableExtrinsic\\`**: Creates a transaction to unlock nominator funds.

### Transfers

- **\\`transfer(api, receiver, amount, allowDeath?): SubmittableExtrinsic\\`**: Creates a transaction to transfer funds.
- **\\`transferAll(api, receiver, keepAlive?): SubmittableExtrinsic\\`**: Creates a transaction to transfer all tokens.

### Utility Functions

- **\\`query<T>(api, methodPath, params?): Promise<T>\\`**: Queries blockchain state for a method.
- **\\`remark(api, remark, withEvent?): SubmittableExtrinsic\\`**: Creates a remark transaction.
- **\\`rpc<T>(api, methodPath, params?): Promise<T>\\`**: Performs an RPC call.


*Note:* All asynchronous functions return a \\`Promise\\` and should be used with \\`await\\` for proper execution flow.

## Interactive Usage Examples

### Fetching the Wallet Balance (unlocked, locked) and nonce for the wallet

<AutoConsensusFetchBalance />


## Usage Examples

Below are examples demonstrating how to use the functions provided by \\`@autonomys/auto-consensus\\`.

### 1. Account Management

#### Retrieve Account Information

Get detailed account information, including the nonce and balance data.

import \\{ account \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \\{ activate \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const api = await activate(\\{ networkId: 'taurus' \\});
  const accountData = await account(api, 'your_address');

  console.log(\\`Nonce: \\$\\{accountData.nonce\\}\\`);
  console.log(\\`Free Balance: \\$\\{accountData.data.free\\}\\`);
  console.log(\\`Reserved Balance: \\$\\{accountData.data.reserved\\}\\`);

  await api.disconnect();

#### Activate a Wallet and Check Balance

import \\{ activateWallet \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';
import \\{ balance \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';

(async () => \\{
  // Activate a wallet using a mnemonic phrase
  const \\{ api, accounts \\} = await activateWallet(\\{
    mnemonic: 'your mnemonic phrase here', // Replace with your mnemonic
    networkId: 'taurus', // Optional: specify the network ID

  const account = accounts[0];
  console.log(\\`Connected with account address: \\$\\{account.address\\}\\`);

  // Check the account balance
  const accountBalance = await balance(api, account.address);
  console.log(\\`Account balance: \\$\\{accountBalance.free\\}\\`);

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();

### 2. Balance Operations

#### Retrieve Account Balance

Get the free balance of an account.

import \\{ balance \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \\{ activate \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const api = await activate(\\{ networkId: 'taurus' \\});
  const accountBalance = await balance(api, 'your_address');

  console.log(\\`Free Balance: \\$\\{accountBalance.free\\}\\`);

  await api.disconnect();

#### Get Total Issuance

Retrieve the total token issuance in the network.

import \\{ totalIssuance \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';

(async () => \\{
  const total = await totalIssuance('taurus');

  console.log(\\`Total Issuance: \\$\\{total.toString()\\}\\`);

### 3. Transfers

#### Transfer Funds Between Accounts

import \\{ activateWallet \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';
import \\{ transfer \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';

(async () => \\{
  // Activate sender's wallet
  const senderWallet = await activateWallet(\\{
    mnemonic: 'sender mnemonic phrase', // Replace with sender's mnemonic
  const sender = senderWallet.accounts[0];

  // Activate receiver's wallet
  const receiverWallet = await activateWallet(\\{
    mnemonic: 'receiver mnemonic phrase', // Replace with receiver's mnemonic
  const receiver = receiverWallet.accounts[0];

  // Transfer 1 ATC from sender to receiver
  const amount = 1; // Amount in ATC
  const transferTx = await transfer(senderWallet.api, receiver.address, amount);

  // Sign and send the transaction
  await transferTx.signAndSend(sender, (\\{ status, txHash, events \\}) => \\{
    if (status.isInBlock) \\{
      console.log(\\`Transaction included at blockHash \\$\\{status.asInBlock\\}\\`);
      console.log(\\`Transaction hash: \\$\\{txHash\\}\\`);
    \\} else if (status.isFinalized) \\{
      console.log(\\`Transaction finalized at blockHash \\$\\{status.asFinalized\\}\\`);

  // Disconnect when done
  await senderWallet.api.disconnect();
  await receiverWallet.api.disconnect();

#### Transfer Tokens

Transfer tokens from one account to another.

import \\{ transfer \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \\{ activateWallet, signAndSendTx, disconnect \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const \\{ api, accounts \\} = await activateWallet(\\{
    networkId: 'taurus',
    mnemonic: 'your_mnemonic',

  const sender = accounts[0];
  const recipientAddress = 'recipient_address';
  const amount = '1000000000000'; // Amount in smallest units (e.g., wei)

  const tx = await transfer(api, recipientAddress, amount);

  // Sign and send the transaction
  await signAndSendTx(sender, tx);

  console.log(\\`Transferred \\$\\{amount\\} tokens to \\$\\{recipientAddress\\}\\`);

  await disconnect(api);

### 4. Staking Operations

#### Register an Operator

Register a new operator for staking.

import \\{ registerOperator \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \\{ activateWallet, signAndSendTx \\} from '@autonomys


(async () => \\{
  const \\{ api \\} = await activateWallet(\\{
    networkId: 'taurus',
    mnemonic: 'sender_mnemonic',

  // Sender's account (who will register the operator)
  const \\{ accounts: senderAccounts \\} = await activateWallet(\\{
    networkId: 'taurus',
    mnemonic: 'sender_mnemonic',
  const sender = senderAccounts[0];

  // Operator's account
  const \\{ accounts: operatorAccounts \\} = await activateWallet(\\{
    networkId: 'taurus',
    mnemonic: 'operator_mnemonic',
  const operatorAccount = operatorAccounts[0];

  const tx = await registerOperator(\\{
    senderAddress: sender.address,
    Operator: operatorAccount,
    domainId: '0', // Domain ID where the operator will be registered
    amountToStake: '1000000000000000000', // Amount in smallest units
    minimumNominatorStake: '10000000000000000',
    nominationTax: '5', // Percentage as a string (e.g., '5' for 5%)

  // Sign and send the transaction
  await signAndSendTx(sender, tx);

  console.log('Operator registered successfully');

#### Nominate an Operator

Nominate an existing operator by staking tokens.

import \\{ nominateOperator \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \\{ activateWallet, signAndSendTx \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const \\{ api, accounts \\} = await activateWallet(\\{
    networkId: 'taurus',
    mnemonic: 'nominator_mnemonic',
  const nominator = accounts[0];

  const operatorId = '1'; // The ID of the operator to nominate
  const amountToStake = '5000000000000000000'; // Amount in smallest units

  const tx = await nominateOperator(\\{

  // Sign and send the transaction
  await signAndSendTx(nominator, tx);

  console.log(\\`Nominated operator \\$\\{operatorId\\} with \\$\\{amountToStake\\} stake\\`);

### 5. Blockchain Information

#### Get Block and Network Information

Retrieve the current block number, block hash, and network timestamp.

import \\{ blockNumber, blockHash, networkTimestamp \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \\{ activate \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const api = await activate(\\{ networkId: 'taurus' \\});

  const currentBlockNumber = await blockNumber(api);
  const currentBlockHash = await blockHash(api);
  const currentTimestamp = await networkTimestamp(api);

  console.log(\\`Current Block Number: \\$\\{currentBlockNumber\\}\\`);
  console.log(\\`Current Block Hash: \\$\\{currentBlockHash\\}\\`);
  console.log(\\`Network Timestamp: \\$\\{currentTimestamp\\}\\`);

  await api.disconnect();

### 6. Domain Interactions

#### Retrieve Domains Information

Get the list of domains registered on the network.

import \\{ domains \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \\{ activate \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const api = await activate(\\{ networkId: 'taurus' \\});
  const domainList = await domains(api);

  domainList.forEach((domain) => \\{
    console.log(\\`Domain ID: \\$\\{domain.id\\}\\`);
    console.log(\\`Owner Address: \\$\\{domain.owner\\}\\`);
    console.log(\\`Creation Block: \\$\\{domain.creationBlock\\}\\`);
    // ...other domain properties

  await api.disconnect();

#### Get Domain Staking Summary

Retrieve staking summaries for all domains.

import \\{ domainStakingSummary \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \\{ activate \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const api = await activate(\\{ networkId: 'taurus' \\});
  const stakingSummaries = await domainStakingSummary(api);

  stakingSummaries.forEach((summary) => \\{
    console.log(\\`Domain ID: \\$\\{summary.domainId\\}\\`);
    console.log(\\`Total Stake: \\$\\{summary.totalStake\\}\\`);
    // ...other summary properties

  await api.disconnect();

#### Get Latest Confirmed Domain Blocks

Fetch the latest confirmed blocks for each domain.

import \\{ latestConfirmedDomainBlock \\} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \\{ activate \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const api = await activate(\\{ networkId: 'taurus' \\});
  const confirmedBlocks = await latestConfirmedDomainBlock(api);

  confirmedBlocks.forEach((blockInfo) => \\{
    console.log(\\`Domain ID: \\$\\{blockInfo.id\\}\\`);
    console.log(\\`Block Number: \\$\\{blockInfo.number\\}\\`);
    console.log(\\`Block Hash: \\$\\{blockInfo.hash\\}\\`);
    // ...other block properties

  await api.disconnect();


## Notes

- **Asynchronous Functions**: Many functions return promises and should be used with \\`await\\` to ensure proper execution flow.

- **API Disconnection**: Always disconnect the API instance after your operations are complete to free up resources.

- **Error Handling**: Wrap your asynchronous calls in \\`try...catch\\` blocks to handle potential errors gracefully.


### File: sdk/auto-drive.mdx

## Auto-Drive Package Documentation

### Introduction

The \\`@autonomys/auto-drive\\` package provides utilities for creating and managing IPLD DAGs (InterPlanetary Linked Data Directed Acyclic Graphs) for files and folders. It facilitates chunking large files, handling metadata, and creating folder structures suitable for distributed storage systems like IPFS.

### Features

- **File Chunking and DAG Creation**: Efficiently split large files into smaller chunks and create IPLD DAGs.
- **Folder Structure Creation**: Generate IPLD DAGs for directory structures.
- **Metadata Handling**: Add and manage metadata for files and folders.
- **CID Management**: Utilities for working with Content Identifiers (CIDs).
- **TypeScript Support**: Fully typed for enhanced developer experience.


## Auto Drive Dashboard

Logging in to Auto Drive will allow you to view your upload and download limits, access files uploaded by other users, and manage and share your submissions.

1. Log in to [Auto Drive](https://ai3.storage/)
2. Sign in via Google or Discord  


3. On the landing page (dashboard) you will see:  

   - Your upload limit (currently **100MB** per month)  
   - Your download limit (currently **5GB** per month)  
   - A list of **uploaded files** and their **CIDs**
   - Options to **Download**, **Share**, or **Remove** each file


> **Tip:** Removing a file does not delete it from the DSN, as it is permanent storage. It only removes the file from your dashboard.

You can use the in-browser environment to upload, download, or share files, or you can use the SDK functions (described later on this page) to upload files or folders via the CLI.


### Getting an API Key

Click on \\`Profile\\` to create your \\`API\\` key. You can then use this API key in the CLI to upload files or folders.


### Sharing Files

To share a file, click the \\`Share\\` button next to the file. You can share it using a link, or by providing the user’s public ID. Each user’s public ID is visible on their \\`Profile\\` page.


### Installation

Install the package via npm or yarn:

# Using npm
npm install @autonomys/auto-drive

# Using yarn
yarn add @autonomys/auto-drive

### Importing the Package

Before using the functions provided by the \\`auto-drive\\` package, you need to import them into your project:

// Import specific functions
import \\{ createFileIPLDDag, createFolderIPLDDag \\} from '@autonomys/auto-drive';

// Or import everything
import * as drive from '@autonomys/auto-drive';


## Available Functions

### Upload and Download Operations

- **\\`uploadFile(api, file, options): Promise<string>\\`**: Uploads a file (using a buffer, \\`File\\`, or a custom interface) with optional encryption and compression. Returns the resulting CID as a string.
- **\\`uploadFileFromFilepath(api, filepath, options): Promise<string>\\`**: Uploads a file from a filesystem path.
- **\\`uploadFileFromInput(api, file, options): Promise<string>\\`**: Uploads a file obtained from a browser's \\`File\\` API.
- **\\`uploadFolderFromFolderPath(api, folderPath, options): Promise<string>\\`**: Uploads a folder from a filesystem path.
- **\\`uploadFolderFromInput(api, fileList, options): Promise<string>\\`**: Uploads a folder from a browser's \\`FileList\\`.
- **\\`uploadFileWithinFolderUpload(api, uploadId, file, options): Promise<string>\\`**: Uploads a file within an existing folder upload session.
- **\\`downloadFile(api, cid, password?): AsyncIterable<Buffer>\\`**: Downloads a file from its CID, with optional decryption using a password.
- **\\`downloadObject(api, params): AsyncIterable<Buffer>\\`**: Downloads an object by its CID. *(Likely implemented as \\`apiCalls.downloadObject\\`.)*

### Utility Functions

- **\\`uploadFileChunks(api, fileUploadId, asyncIterable, uploadChunkSize, onProgress): Promise<void>\\`**: Handles the chunked upload of files to the server.
- **\\`constructZipBlobFromTreeAndPaths(tree, filesMap): Promise<Blob>\\`**: Creates a zip archive from a file tree and corresponding file paths.
- **\\`constructFromInput(files): FolderTree\\`**: Constructs a folder tree from an array of files.
- **\\`fileToIterable(file): AsyncIterable<Buffer>\\`**: Converts a file into an async iterable of buffers.

### CID Utilities

- **\\`cidOfNode(node): CID\\`**: Generates a CID from an IPLD node.
- **\\`cidToString(cid): string\\`**: Converts a CID to its string representation.
- **\\`stringToCid(cidString): CID\\`**: Parses a CID string back into a CID object.

### Node Encoding and Decoding

- **\\`encodeNode(node): Uint8Array\\`**: Encodes an IPLD node into a byte array.
- **\\`decodeNode(encodedNode): any\\`**: Decodes a byte array back into an IPLD node.


*Note:* All asynchronous functions return a \\`Promise\\` (or an async iterable in the case of \\`downloadObject\\`), and should be used with \\`await\\` for proper execution flow.


## Usage Examples

### 1. Uploading a File from Filepath

import \\{ uploadFileFromFilepath,createAutoDriveApi \\} from '@autonomys/auto-drive'

const api = createAutoDriveApi(\\{ apiKey: 'your-api-key' \\}) // Initialize your API instance with API key
const filePath = 'path/to/your/file.txt' // Specify the path to your file
const options = \\{
  password: 'your-encryption-password', // Optional: specify a password for encryption
  compression: true,
  // an optional callback useful for large file uploads
  onProgress?: (progress: number) => \\{
    console.log(\\`The upload is completed is \\$\\{progress\\}% completed\\`)

const cid = await uploadFileFromFilepath(api, filePath, options)

console.log(\\`The file is uploaded and its cid is \\$\\{cid\\}\\`)

### 2. Uploading a File from Input (Interface)

import \\{ uploadFileFromInput, createAutoDriveApi \\} from '@autonomys/auto-drive'

const api = createAutoDriveApi(\\{ apiKey: 'your-api-key' \\}) // Initialize your API instance with API key

// e.g Get File from object from HTML event
const file: File = e.target.value // Substitute with your file
const options = \\{
  password: 'your-encryption-password', // Optional: specify a password for encryption
  compression: true,
const cid = await uploadFileFromInput(api, file, options)

console.log(\\`The file is uploaded and its cid is \\$\\{cid\\}\\`)


### 3. Uploading a file from Custom Interface

Some times you might have a custom interface that doesn't fit either File or filepath. For those cases exists the interface GenericFile:

export interface GenericFile \\{
  read(): AsyncIterable<Buffer> // A buffer generator function that will output the bytes of the file
  name: string
  mimeType?: string
  size: number
  path: string // Could be ignored in file upload

You could upload any file that could be represented in that way. For example, uploading a file as a Buffer

import \\{ createAutoDriveApi, uploadFile \\} from '@autonomys/auto-drive'

const api = createAutoDriveApi(\\{ apiKey: 'your-api-key' \\}) // Initialize your API instance with API key
const buffer = Buffer.from(...);
const genericFile = \\{
  read: async function *() \\{
    yield buffer
  name: "autonomys-whitepaper.pdf",
  mimeType: "application/pdf",
  size: 1234556,
  path: "autonomys-whitepaper.pdf"

const options = \\{
  password: 'your-encryption-password', // Optional: specify a password for encryption
  compression: true,
  // an optional callback useful for large file uploads
  onProgress?: (progress: number) => \\{
    console.log(\\`The upload is completed is \\$\\{progress\\}% completed\\`)

const cid = uploadFile(api, genericFile, options)

console.log(\\`The file is uploaded and its cid is \\$\\{cid\\}\\`)

### 4. Uploading a folder

import \\{ createAutoDriveApi, uploadFolderFromFolderPath \\} from '@autonomys/auto-drive'

const api = createAutoDriveApi(\\{ apiKey: 'your-api-key' \\}) // Initialize your API instance with API key
const folderPath = 'path/to/your/folder' // Specify the path to your folder

const options = \\{
  uploadChunkSize: 1024 * 1024, // Optional: specify the chunk size for uploads
  password: 'your-encryption-password', // Optional: If folder is encrypted
  // an optional callback useful for large file uploads
  onProgress: (progress: number) => \\{
    console.log(\\`The upload is completed is \\$\\{progress\\}% completed\\`)

const folderCID = await uploadFolderFromFolderPath(api, folderPath, options)

console.log(\\`The folder is uploaded and its cid is \\$\\{folderCID\\}\\`)


> **Note:** When the folder is encrypted, a zip file would be generated first, and then that file would be encrypted and uploaded.

### 5. Downloading files

import \\{ createAutoDriveApi, downloadFile \\} from '@autonomys/auto-drive'

const api = createAutoDriveApi(\\{ apiKey: 'your-api-key' \\}) // Initialize your API instance with API key

try \\{
  const cid = '..'
  const stream = await downloadFile(api, cid)
  let file = Buffer.alloc(0)
  for await (const chunk of stream) \\{
    file = Buffer.concat([file, chunk])
  console.log('File downloaded successfully:', stream)
\\} catch (error) \\{
  console.error('Error downloading file:', error)

### 6. Usage example of \\`getRoots\\` (retrieve the root directories)

import \\{ createAutoDriveApi, apiCalls, Scope \\} from '@autonomys/auto-drive'

const api = createAutoDriveApi(\\{ apiKey: 'your-api-key' \\}) // Initialize your API instance with API key

try \\{
  const myFiles = await apiCalls.getRoots(api, \\{
    scope: Scope.User,
    limit: 100,
    offset: 0,

  console.log(\\`Retrieved \\$\\{myFiles.rows.length\\} files of \\$\\{myFiles.totalCount\\} total\\`)
  for (const file of myFiles.rows) \\{
    console.log(\\`\\$\\{file.name\\} - \\$\\{file.headCid\\}: \\$\\{file.size\\}\\`)
\\} catch (error) \\{
  console.error('Error downloading file:', error)


## Notes

- **Asynchronous Functions**: Use \\`await\\` with all promises for proper execution flow.
- **Error Handling**: Wrap asynchronous calls in \\`try...catch\\` blocks to handle potential errors gracefully.
- **File System Operations**: Ensure that file paths are correct and accessible when reading from or writing to the file system.



### File: sdk/auto-id.mdx

## Auto-ID Package Documentation

> **Warning:** Auto ID domain is not yet available on Taurus Network or Autonomys Mainnet

### Introduction

The \\`@autonomys/auto-id\\` package provides functionalities for managing certificates, authenticating users, and integrating Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) on the Autonomys Network. It enables developers to:

- **Authenticate Users**: Verify user identities using their Auto IDs.
- **Manage Certificates**: Create, issue, and handle x509 certificates associated with Auto IDs.
- **Integrate Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)**: Utilize ZKP claims for enhanced privacy and authentication.

### Features

- **Certificate Management**: Create and manage x509 certificates linked to Auto IDs.
- **Zero-Knowledge Proof Integration**: Implement privacy-preserving claims using ZKPs.
- **User Authentication**: Authenticate users through their Auto IDs and certificates.
- **TypeScript Support**: Fully typed for enhanced developer experience.
- **Blockchain Interaction**: Interact with the Autonomys Network without dealing with low-level blockchain complexities.


## Installation

Install the package via npm or yarn:

# Using npm
npm install @autonomys/auto-id

# Using yarn
yarn add @autonomys/auto-id


## Importing the Package

Before using the functions provided by the \\`auto-id\\` package, you need to import them into your project:

// Import specific functions
import \\{ selfIssueCertificate, authenticateAutoIdUser \\} from '@autonomys/auto-id';

// Or import everything
import * as autoId from '@autonomys/auto-id';


## Available Functions

### Auto ID Functions

- **\\`addDaysToCurrentDate(days: number): Date\\`**: Returns current date plus specified days.
- **\\`authenticateAutoIdUser(api, autoId, challenge, signature): Promise<boolean>\\`**: Verifies an Auto ID user by signature over a challenge.
- **\\`AutoIdError\\`**: Enum of possible Auto ID errors.
- **\\`checkCertificateAndRevocationList(api, autoIdIdentifier, getCertificate): Promise<AutoIdX509Certificate>\\`**: Checks if a certificate exists and is not revoked.
- **\\`convertX509CertToDerEncodedComponents(certificate): [Uint8Array, Uint8Array]\\`**: Converts an X.509 certificate to DER-encoded components.
- **\\`decryptPem(pem, password): string\\`**: Decrypts an encrypted PEM key using a password.
- **\\`deactivateAutoId(api, autoIdIdentifier, signature): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>\\`**: Creates a transaction to deactivate an Auto ID.
- **\\`derEncodeSignatureAlgorithmOID(oid, parameters?): Uint8Array\\`**: DER-encodes a signature algorithm OID.
- **\\`getCertificate(api, autoIdIdentifier): Promise<AutoIdX509Certificate | undefined>\\`**: Retrieves a certificate from the blockchain.
- **\\`getCertificateRevocationList(api, autoIdIdentifier): Promise<string[]>\\`**: Gets the revocation list for an Auto ID.
- **\\`getCertificateSubjectPublicKey(api, autoIdIdentifier): Promise<CryptoKey>\\`**: Retrieves the public key from a stored certificate.
- **\\`hexStringToU8a(hexString): Uint8Array\\`**: Converts a hex string to a \\`Uint8Array\\`.
- **\\`identifierFromX509Cert(issuerId, certificate): string\\`**: Generates an Auto ID identifier from a certificate.
- **\\`mapErrorCodeToEnum(errorCode): AutoIdError | null\\`**: Maps an error code to an \\`AutoIdError\\`.
- **\\`pemToCryptoKeyForSigning(pem, algorithm): Promise<CryptoKey>\\`**: Converts a PEM key to a \\`CryptoKey\\` for signing.
- **\\`pemToHex(pem): string\\`**: Converts a PEM key to a hex string.
- **\\`registerAutoId(api, certificate, issuerId?): SubmittableExtrinsic\\`**: Creates a transaction to register an Auto ID.
- **\\`renewAutoId(api, autoIdIdentifier, newCertificate): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>\\`**: Creates a transaction to renew an Auto ID.
- **\\`revokeCertificate(api, autoIdIdentifier, signature): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>\\`**: Creates a transaction to revoke a certificate.
- **\\`validateCertificatePublicKey(certPublicKey, derivedPublicKey): Promise<boolean>\\`**: Validates if a derived public key matches the certificate's.

### Certificate Management

- **\\`certificateToPem(cert): string\\`**: Converts a certificate to PEM format.
- **\\`createAndSignCSR(subjectName, keyPair): Promise<Pkcs10CertificateRequest>\\`**: Creates and signs a CSR.
- **\\`createCSR(subjectName, keyPair): Promise<Pkcs10CertificateRequest>\\`**: Creates a Certificate Signing Request.
- **\\`getCertificateAutoId(certificate): string | undefined\\`**: Extracts Auto ID from a certificate's SAN extension.
- **\\`getSubjectCommonName(subject): string | undefined\\`**: Retrieves the common name from a certificate subject.
- **\\`issueCertificate(csr, issuerCertificateData, validityPeriodDays?): Promise<X509Certificate>\\`**: Issues a certificate based on a CSR.
- **\\`pemToCertificate(pem): X509Certificate\\`**: Converts a PEM string to a certificate object.
- **\\`prettyPrintCertificate(cert): void\\`**: Prints certificate details to the console.
- **\\`saveCertificate(certificate, filePath): Promise<void>\\`**: Saves a certificate to a file in PEM format.
- **\\`selfIssueCertificate(subjectName, keyPair, validityPeriodDays?): Promise<X509Certificate>\\`**: Generates a self-signed certificate.
- **\\`signCSR(csr, keyPair): Promise<Pkcs10CertificateRequest>\\`**: Signs a CSR using a private key.

### Key Management

- **\\`cryptoKeyPairFromPrivateKey(privateKey, algorithm, password?): Promise<CryptoKeyPair>\\`**: Generates a key pair from a private key.
- **\\`cryptoKeyToPem(key, password?): Promise<string>\\`**: Converts a \\`CryptoKey\\` to PEM format.
- **\\`doPublicKeysMatch(publicKey1, publicKey2): Promise<boolean>\\`**: Checks if two public keys are identical.
- **\\`generateEd25519KeyPair(): Promise<CryptoKeyPair>\\`**: Generates an Ed25519 key pair.
- **\\`generateRsaKeyPair(keySize?): Promise<CryptoKeyPair>\\`**: Generates an RSA key pair.
- **\\`keyToHex(key): Promise<string>\\`**: Converts a \\`CryptoKey\\` to a hex string.
- **\\`loadPrivateKey(filePath, algorithm, password?): Promise<CryptoKey>\\`**: Loads a private key from a file.
- **\\`loadPublicKey(filePath, algorithm): Promise<CryptoKey>\\`**: Loads a public key from a file.
- **\\`pemToPrivateKey(pemData, algorithm, password?): Promise<CryptoKey>\\`**: Converts a PEM private key to a \\`CryptoKey\\`.
- **\\`pemToPublicKey(pemData, algorithm): Promise<CryptoKey>\\`**: Converts a PEM public key to a \\`CryptoKey\\`.
- **\\`rawToPrivateKey(arrayBuffer, algorithm): Promise<CryptoKey>\\`**: Imports a private key from raw data.
- **\\`rawToPublicKey(rawKey, algorithm): Promise<CryptoKey>\\`**: Imports a public key from raw data.
- **\\`saveKey(key, filePath, password?): Promise<void>\\`**: Saves a \\`CryptoKey\\` to a file.


## Usage Examples

Below are examples demonstrating how to use the functions provided by \\`@autonomys/auto-id\\`.

### 1. User Authentication

#### **Authenticate a User with Auto ID**

Verify a user's identity using their Auto ID, challenge message, and signature.

import \\{ authenticateAutoIdUser \\} from '@autonomys/auto-id';
import \\{ activate \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  // Activate the network API
  const api = await activate(\\{ networkId: 'mainnet' \\});

  // User's Auto ID
  const autoId = 'user-auto-id'; // Replace with the user's Auto ID

  // Challenge message that the user needs to sign
  const challengeMessage = 'Please sign this message to authenticate.';
  const challenge = new TextEncoder().encode(challengeMessage);

  // Assume the user provides the signature
  const signature = new Uint8Array([...]); // User's signature as Uint8Array

  // Authenticate the user
  const isAuthenticated = await authenticateAutoIdUser(api, autoId, challenge, signature);

  if (isAuthenticated) \\{
    console.log('User authenticated successfully.');
  \\} else \\{
    console.log('Authentication failed.');

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();


- \\`api\\`: Connected API instance.
- \\`autoId\\`: User's Auto ID.
- \\`challenge\\`: The challenge message (\\`BufferSource\\`).
- \\`signature\\`: User's signature over the challenge (\\`BufferSource\\`).


- \\`Promise<boolean>\\` indicating authentication success.


### 2. Certificate Management

#### **Self-Issuing a Certificate**

Generate a self-signed x509 certificate for an Auto ID.

import \\{ selfIssueCertificate \\} from '@autonomys/auto-id';
import \\{ generateKeyPair \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  // Generate a key pair
  const keyPair = await generateKeyPair();

  // Subject name for the certificate
  const subjectName = 'CN=User Name'; // Replace with appropriate subject

  // Generate a self-signed certificate
  const certificate = await selfIssueCertificate(subjectName, keyPair);

  console.log('Certificate created:', certificate);

  // Optionally, save the certificate to a file or store it securely


- \\`subjectName\\`: The subject name for the certificate (e.g., \\`'CN=User Name'\\`).
- \\`keyPair\\`: The key pair for the certificate.


- \\`Promise<x509.X509Certificate>\\`.

#### **Issuing a Certificate**

Issue a certificate based on a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

import \\{
\\} from '@autonomys/auto-id';
import \\{ generateKeyPair \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  // Generate key pairs for the subject and issuer
  const subjectKeyPair = await generateKeyPair();
  const issuerKeyPair = await generateKeyPair();

  // Subject and issuer names
  const subjectName = 'CN=Subject Name';
  const issuerName = 'CN=Issuer Name';

  // Create issuer's self-signed certificate
  const issuerCertificate = await selfIssueCertificate(issuerName, issuerKeyPair);

  // Create and sign CSR for the subject
  const csr = await createAndSignCSR(subjectName, subjectKeyPair);

  // Issue certificate for the subject using issuer's certificate and key pair
  const issuedCertificate = await issueCertificate(csr, \\{
    certificate: issuerCertificate,
    keyPair: issuerKeyPair,

  console.log('Issued Certificate:', issuedCertificate);

**Parameters for \\`issueCertificate\\`:**

- \\`csr\\`: The CSR from the subject.
- \\`issuerCertificateData\\`: Contains the issuer's certificate and key pair.
- \\`validityPeriodDays\\` (optional): Certificate validity period in days.


- \\`Promise<x509.X509Certificate>\\`.


### 3. Key Management

#### **Generating and Saving a Key Pair**

Generate a cryptographic key pair and save it to files.

import \\{ generateKeyPair, saveKey \\} from '@autonomys/auto-id';

(async () => \\{
  // Generate a key pair
  const keyPair = await generateKeyPair();

  // Save the private key
  await saveKey(keyPair.privateKey, 'path/to/privateKey.pem', 'your-password');

  // Save the public key
  await saveKey(keyPair.publicKey, 'path/to/publicKey.pem');

  console.log('Keys saved successfully.');


- \\`key\\`: The \\`CryptoKey\\` to save.
- \\`filePath\\`: The file path where the key will be saved.
- \\`password\\` (optional): Password for encrypting the private key.


### 4. Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)

#### **Creating a ZKP Claim**

Generate a Zero-Knowledge Proof claim using the Reclaim protocol.

import \\{ ReclaimZKPClaim, buildReclaimRequest \\} from '@autonomys/auto-id';
import \\{ Proof \\} from '@reclaimprotocol/js-sdk';

(async () => \\{
  // Application ID from Reclaim Protocol
  const appId = 'your-app-id'; // Replace with your actual app ID

  // Supported claim type (e.g., 'GoogleEmail')
  const claimType = 'GoogleEmail';

  // Build a Reclaim proof request
  const reclaimRequest = await buildReclaimRequest(appId, claimType);

  // Start the Reclaim session (this may involve user interaction)
    onSuccessCallback: async (proofs: Proof[]) => \\{
      // Handle the proofs
      const proof = proofs[0];

      // Create a ZKP claim
      const zkpClaim = new ReclaimZKPClaim('your-service-id', proof);

      // Verify the proof validity
      const isValid = await zkpClaim.verify();

      if (isValid) \\{
        console.log('ZKP Claim is valid:', zkpClaim);
      \\} else \\{
        console.log('ZKP Claim verification failed.');
    onFailureCallback: (error: Error) => \\{
      console.error('Reclaim session failed:', error);


- \\`serviceId\\`: An identifier for your service.
- \\`proof\\`: The proof object obtained from the Reclaim protocol.


- \\`Promise<void>\\`.


## Notes

- **Asynchronous Functions**: Many functions return promises and should be used with \\`await\\` to ensure proper execution flow.

- **API Disconnection**: Always disconnect the API instance after your operations are complete to free up resources.

- **Error Handling**: Wrap your asynchronous calls in \\`try...catch\\` blocks to handle potential errors gracefully.

- **Security Considerations**:

  - **Private Keys**: Handle private keys securely. Do not expose them in your code or logs.

  - **Password Protection**: When saving private keys, use password protection to encrypt the key files.

  - **Certificate Validity**: Ensure that certificates have appropriate validity periods and are renewed before expiration.



### File: sdk/auto-utils.mdx

## Auto-Utils Package Documentation

### Introduction

The \\`@autonomys/auto-utils\\` package provides core utility functions for interacting with the Autonomys Network. It offers functionalities for:

- **Wallet Management**: Initialize and manage wallets using mnemonics or URIs.
- **Network Configuration**: Access and manage network and domain settings.
- **Data Storage**: Save and read data to and from local storage or the file system.
- **Cryptographic Operations**: Perform hashing and data manipulation using cryptographic functions.
- **API Activation**: Activate and manage connections to the Autonomys Network APIs.
- **Address Utilities**: Convert and decode addresses to and from standardized formats.

This package serves as the foundational layer for building applications within the Autonomys ecosystem.

### Installation

Install the package via npm or yarn:

# Using npm
npm install @autonomys/auto-utils

# Using yarn
yarn add @autonomys/auto-utils

### Importing the Package

Before using the functions provided by the \\`auto-utils\\` package, you need to import them into your project:

// Import specific functions
import \\{ activateWallet, activate, blake2b_256 \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

// Or import everything
import * as utils from '@autonomys/auto-utils';


## Available Functions

### Account and Address Utilities

- **\\`address(input): string\\`**: Standardizes an address format.
- **\\`createAccountIdType(api, address): Uint8Array\\`**: Creates an \\`AccountId\\` object from an address.
- **\\`decode(input): Uint8Array\\`**: Decodes an address to bytes.

### API and Connection Management

- **\\`activate(options?): Promise<ApiPromise>\\`**: Connects to the Autonomys Network.
- **\\`activateDomain(params): Promise<ApiPromise>\\`**: Connects to a specific domain.
- **\\`createConnection(endpoint, options?): Promise<ApiPromise>\\`**: Creates a new API connection.
- **\\`disconnect(api): Promise<void>\\`**: Disconnects an API instance.

### Cryptographic Functions

- **\\`blake2b_256(data): string\\`**: Hashes data with BLAKE2b-256.
- **\\`concatenateUint8Arrays(...arrays): Uint8Array\\`**: Concatenates multiple \\`Uint8Array\\`s.
- **\\`stringToUint8Array(string): Uint8Array\\`**: Converts a string to \\`Uint8Array\\`.

### Data Storage

- **\\`read(key): Promise<any>\\`**: Reads data from storage.
- **\\`readFromFileSystem(key): Promise<any>\\`**: Reads from file system.
- **\\`readFromLocalStorage(key): Promise<any>\\`**: Reads from localStorage.
- **\\`save(key, value): Promise<void>\\`**: Saves data to storage.
- **\\`saveOnFileSystem(key, value): Promise<void>\\`**: Saves to file system.
- **\\`saveOnLocalStorage(key, value): Promise<void>\\`**: Saves to localStorage.

### Event Management

- **\\`eventName(type, event): string\\`**: Combines type and event to a full event name.
- **\\`eventsGroup\\`**: Groups system events by name.
- **\\`expectSuccessfulTxEvent\\`**: Default success event names array.
- **\\`Type\\`**: Enum for event types (e.g., \\`system\\`).
- **\\`validateEvents(events, eventsExpected?, tx, block, log?): EventsValidated\\`**: Checks if expected events are in transaction events.

### Network Management

- **\\`getNetworkDetails(options): NetworkDetails\\`**: Gets details of a network.
- **\\`getNetworkDomainDetails(options): DomainDetails\\`**: Gets details of a domain.
- **\\`getNetworkDomainRpcUrls(options): string[]\\`**: Gets RPC URLs for a domain.
- **\\`getNetworkRpcUrls(options): string[]\\`**: Gets RPC URLs for a network.
- **\\`networks\\`**: Array of available networks.

### Signing Utilities

- **\\`signMessage(signer, address, data): Promise<\\{ signature: string \\}>\\`**: Signs a message with a signer and address.
- **\\`signatureVerify\\`**: Verifies signatures (re-exported from \\`@polkadot/util-crypto\\`).
- **\\`signingKey(publicKey): string\\`**: Converts a public key to a hex string.

### String Utilities

- **\\`capitalizeFirstLetter(string): string\\`**: Capitalizes first letter.
- **\\`fixLengthEntryId(blockHeight, indexInBlock?): string\\`**: Creates fixed-length IDs.
- **\\`isAddress(address): boolean\\`**: Validates a Substrate address.
- **\\`isHex(value): boolean\\`**: Validates a hexadecimal string.
- **\\`shortString(value, initialLength?, endLength?): string\\`**: Truncates strings.
- **\\`stringify(value): string\\`**: Stringifies values, handling BigInt.

### Token and Value Formatting

- **\\`formatSpacePledged(value, decimals?): string\\`**: Formats space amount with units.
- **\\`formatTokenAmount(amount, decimals?): bigint\\`**: Formats token amount with decimals.
- **\\`parseTokenAmount(amount, decimals?): number\\`**: Parses token amount with decimals.

### Transaction Utilities

- **\\`signAndSendTx(sender, tx, options?, eventsExpected?, log?, mapErrorCodeToEnum?): Promise<TransactionSignedAndSend>\\`**: Signs, sends, and validates a transaction.

### Wallet Management

- **\\`activateWallet(options): Promise<\\{ api, accounts \\}>\\`**: Activates a wallet using mnemonic or URI.
- **\\`generateWallet(): GeneratedWallet\\`**: Generates a new wallet with mnemonic.
- **\\`getMockWallet(name, wallets): Wallet\\`**: Retrieves a mock wallet by name.
- **\\`mockWallets(options, api?): Promise<Wallet[]>\\`**: Creates mock wallets for testing.
- **\\`setupWallet(params): Wallet\\`**: Sets up a wallet from mnemonic or URI.


*Note:* All asynchronous functions return a \\`Promise\\` and should be used with \\`await\\` for proper execution flow.


## Usage Examples

Below are examples demonstrating how to use the functions provided by \\`@autonomys/auto-utils\\`.

### 1. Wallet Management

#### **Activate a Wallet**

Activate a wallet using a mnemonic phrase:

import \\{ activateWallet \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const mnemonic = 'your mnemonic phrase here';

  const \\{ api, accounts \\} = await activateWallet(\\{
    networkId: 'taurus', // Optional: specify the network ID

  const account = accounts[0];
  console.log(\\`Connected with account address: \\$\\{account.address\\}\\`);

  // Perform actions with the account...

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();

#### **Activate a Wallet Using URI**

Activate a wallet using a URI:

import \\{ activateWallet \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const \\{ api, accounts \\} = await activateWallet(\\{
    uri: '//Alice',
    networkId: 'localhost', // Connect to a local network

  const account = accounts[0];
  console.log(\\`Connected with account address: \\$\\{account.address\\}\\`);

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();

#### **Create Mock Wallets for Testing**

Create mock wallets for testing purposes:

import \\{ activate, mockWallets, getMockWallet \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const api = await activate(\\{ networkId: 'taurus' \\});

  const wallets = await mockWallets(\\{\\}, api);
  const aliceWallet = getMockWallet('Alice', wallets);
  const bobWallet = getMockWallet('Bob', wallets);

  console.log(\\`Alice's address: \\$\\{aliceWallet.accounts[0].address\\}\\`);
  console.log(\\`Bob's address: \\$\\{bobWallet.accounts[0].address\\}\\`);

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();

### 2. Network Management

#### **Get Available Networks**

List all available networks:

import \\{ networks \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

networks.forEach((network) => \\{
  console.log(\\`Network ID: \\$\\{network.id\\}, Name: \\$\\{network.name\\}\\`);

#### **Get Network Details**

Retrieve details of a specific network:

import \\{ getNetworkDetails \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const network = getNetworkDetails(\\{ networkId: 'taurus' \\});
console.log(\\`Network Name: \\$\\{network.name\\}\\`);
console.log(\\`RPC URLs: \\$\\{network.rpcUrls.join(', ')\\}\\`);

#### **Get Domain Details**

Retrieve details of a specific domain within a network:

import \\{ getNetworkDomainDetails \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const domain = getNetworkDomainDetails(\\{ domainId: '1', networkId: 'taurus' \\});
console.log(\\`Domain Name: \\$\\{domain.name\\}\\`);
console.log(\\`RPC URLs: \\$\\{domain.rpcUrls.join(', ')\\}\\`);

### 3. Cryptographic Functions

#### **Hash Data Using BLAKE2b-256**

Hash a string using BLAKE2b-256:

import \\{ blake2b_256, stringToUint8Array \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const data = 'Hello, Autonomys!';
const dataBytes = stringToUint8Array(data);
const hash = blake2b_256(dataBytes);

console.log(\\`Hash: \\$\\{hash\\}\\`); // Outputs the hash of the input string

#### **Convert String to Uint8Array**

Convert a string to a \\`Uint8Array\\`:

import \\{ stringToUint8Array \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const text = 'Sample text';
const byteArray = stringToUint8Array(text);

console.log(byteArray); // Outputs Uint8Array representation of the string

#### **Concatenate Uint8Arrays**

Concatenate two \\`Uint8Array\\` instances:

import \\{ stringToUint8Array, concatenateUint8Arrays \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const array1 = stringToUint8Array('First part ');
const array2 = stringToUint8Array('Second part');

const concatenated = concatenateUint8Arrays(array1, array2);
console.log(\\`Concatenated Result: \\$\\{new TextDecoder().decode(concatenated)\\}\\`);
// Outputs: "First part Second part"

### 4. API Activation

#### **Activate the Network API**

Connect to the Autonomys Network:

import \\{ activate \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const api = await activate(\\{ networkId: 'taurus' \\});

  console.log('API connected');

  // Perform API calls...

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();

#### **Activate a Domain API**

Connect to a specific domain within the network:

import \\{ activateDomain \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \\{
  const api = await activateDomain(\\{ domainId: '1', networkId: 'taurus' \\});

  console.log('Domain API connected');

  // Perform domain-specific API calls...

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();

### 5. Data Storage

#### **Save and Read Data**

Save data to local storage or the file system and read it back:

import \\{ save, read \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const key = 'myData';
const value = \\{ message: 'Hello, Autonomys!' \\};

// Save data
save(key, value);

// Read data
const retrievedValue = read(key);
console.log(retrievedValue); // Outputs: \\{ message: 'Hello, Autonomys!' \\}

### 6. Address Utilities

#### **Convert Address Formats**

Convert an address to a standardized format and decode it:

import \\{ address, decode \\} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const originalAddress = '5GmS1wtCfR4tK5SSgnZbVT4kYw5W8NmxmijcsxCQE6oLW6A8';
const standardizedAddress = address(originalAddress);
const decodedAddress = decode(originalAddress);

console.log(\\`Standardized Address: \\$\\{standardizedAddress\\}\\`);
console.log('Decoded Address:', decodedAddress);


*Note:* All asynchronous functions return a \\`Promise\\` and should be used with \\`await\\` for proper execution flow.


## Notes

- **Asynchronous Functions**: Use \\`await\\` with all promises for proper execution flow.
- **API Disconnection**: Always disconnect the API instance after operations to free up resources.
- **Error Handling**: Wrap asynchronous calls in \\`try...catch\\` blocks to handle potential errors gracefully.
- **Security Considerations**:
- **Private Keys**: Handle private keys securely. Do not expose them in code or logs.
- **Data Persistence**: Be cautious when saving sensitive data using \\`save\\` and \\`read\\`.


### File: sdk/auto-xdm.mdx

> **Warning:** XDM is not yet enabled on Taurus Network or Autonomys Mainnet

### Cross-Domain Transfers

- \\`transfer(api: ApiPromise, destination: ChainOrDomain, receiver: string, amount: Amount): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>\\`: Creates a transaction to transfer a specified amount to a receiver on a given destination, which can be either the consensus chain or a specific domain.

### Types:

- **Amount**: \\`BigInt | number | string\\`  
  Represents the amount to be transferred.

- **Consensus**: \\`\\{ type: 'consensus' \\}\\`  
  Indicates that the destination is the consensus chain.

- **ChainOrDomain**: \\`Consensus | Domain\\`  
  A union type representing either the consensus chain or a domain.

- **Domain**: \\`\\{ type: 'domain'; domainId: number \\}\\`  
  Specifies a domain as the destination, identified by a \\`domainId\\`.


### Usage Example

// For transferring to the consensus chain
await transfer(api, \\{ type: 'consensus' \\}, 'receiverAddress', amount)

// For transferring to a specific domain
await transfer(api, \\{ type: 'domain', domainId: 1 \\}, 'receiverAddress', amount)

> **Note:** The \\`transfer\\` function returns a \\`Promise\\` that resolves to a \\`SubmittableExtrinsic\\`, which can be signed and submitted to the blockchain.


### File: sdk/index.mdx

## Introduction to the Auto SDK

Welcome to the Auto SDK documentation! The Autonomys Auto SDK is a powerful toolkit designed to empower developers to seamlessly integrate with the Autonomys Network. It enables interaction through familiar programming languages like TypeScript, without needing to delve into the complexities of blockchain or smart contracts. The SDK provides simple APIs for issuing and verifying Auto IDs, interacting with the consensus layer, handling data uploads, and managing payments using Auto Coin.

### What is the Auto SDK?

The Auto SDK is a collection of JavaScript/TypeScript packages that abstract away the complexity of blockchain interactions. It includes utilities for consensus interactions, identity management, data storage, and general-purpose functions that are essential for building decentralized applications (dApps) and services on the Autonomys Network.

### Key Features:

- **Modular Architecture**: Use only the packages you need.
- **Ease of Use**: Simplifies blockchain operations with high-level functions.
- **Flexibility**: Suitable for both beginners and experienced blockchain developers.
- **Community-Driven and Open-source**.

### Why Use the Auto SDK?

- **Simplify Development**: Focus on your application's logic rather than blockchain intricacies.
- **Accelerate Time-to-Market**: Reduce development time with ready-to-use functions.
- **Ensure Compatibility**: Stay up-to-date with the latest Autonomys blockchain protocols.
- **Enhance Security**: Utilize well-tested code for critical operations like identity management.

## Packages

This monorepo contains multiple packages, each serving a specific purpose. All packages are published to npm under the \\`@autonomys\\` scope:

- **@autonomys/auto-utils**: Core utility functions for interacting with the Autonomys Network.
- **@autonomys/auto-consensus**: Functions for interacting with the Consensus Layer.
- **@autonomys/auto-drive**: Tools for preparing and managing data for on-chain storage.
- **@autonomys/auto-id**: Functions for generating, renewing, and revoking Decentralized Identities (Auto IDs).

## Video Guide: Installing Auto SDK and Retrieving Account Balance 
For those who prefer a visual guide, we have created a short video demonstrating how to install the Auto SDK, along with a simple coding example that shows how to retrieve an account balance using the SDK. For step-by-step instructions, please refer to the [Requirements and Installation Guide below](#requirements).

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/B5J9fwE5-vI?si=Mt133r3I2QnCae0A" title="Installing and using Auto SDK" frameBorder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

## Installation

### Requirements

- **Node.js** (version 14 or higher)
- **Yarn** or **npm**

### Installing the Packages

Install the packages you need via npm or yarn. For example, to install \\`@autonomys/auto-utils\\` and \\`@autonomys/auto-consensus\\`:

#### Using npm

npm install @autonomys/auto-utils @autonomys/auto-consensus

#### Using yarn

yarn add @autonomys/auto-utils @autonomys/auto-consensus

## Cloning the Repository and Building Locally (Optional)

If you wish to contribute to the SDK or run the SDK packages locally, you can clone the repository and build the packages from source.

### Setup Instructions

1. **Clone the Repository**

   Open your terminal and run:

   git clone https://github.com/autonomys/auto-sdk.git

2. **Navigate to the Project Directory**

   cd auto-sdk

3. **Install Dependencies**

   yarn install

4. **Build All Packages**

   To compile all packages, run:

   yarn run build

5. **Run Tests**

   To execute tests for all packages:

   yarn run test

## Localhost Testing

You can test the SDK packages against a local Autonomys node using the provided scripts instead of a public testnet (**Taurus**).

### Steps

1. **Verify OS and Architecture Settings**

    Edit the \\`scripts/download.sh\\` file and ensure that lines 3-7 match your current operating system and architecture:

    # Change the following variables as needed
    # OS to download
    OS="macos" # Options: macos | ubuntu | windows
    # Architecture to download
    ARCHITECTURE="aarch64" # Options: aarch64 | x86_64-skylake | x86_64-v2

2. **Run the Development Script**

    Execute the following command to start the local node and farmer:

    node scripts/run-dev.js

    This script will:

    1. Download the latest version of the node and farmer compatible with your OS and architecture (\\`scripts/download.sh\\`).
    2. Start the Node and create/insert the keystore (\\`scripts/run-node.sh\\`).
    3. Start the Farmer (\\`scripts/run-farmer.sh\\`).
    4. Register the Node as an operator, wait for synchronization, and then terminate the node and farmer (handled within \\`scripts/run-dev.js\\`).
    5. Restart the Node as an operator (\\`scripts/run-operator.sh\\`).
    6. Restart the Farmer (\\`scripts/run-farmer.sh\\`).

**Run Tests Against the Local Node**

bash scripts/localhost-run-test.sh

The tests will automatically detect the local node and farmer, executing against them instead of the public testnet.

## Next Steps

With the Auto SDK set up locally, you're ready to start building and testing your blockchain applications. Explore the additional pages for code examples and a functions overview.





### File: sdk/auto-consensus.mdx

import AutoConsensusFetchBalance from '/components/autoConsensusFetchBalance.js';

## Auto-Consensus Package

### Introduction

The \`@autonomys/auto-consensus\` package provides functions for interacting with the consensus layer of the Autonomys Network. It allows developers to perform actions involving account management, balance inquiries, transfers, staking operations, and more. \`@autonomys/auto-consensus\` works hand-in-hand with \`@autonomys/auto-utils\` to simplify blockchain interactions.

### Installation

Install the package via \`npm\` or \`yarn\`:

# Using npm
npm install @autonomys/auto-consensus

# Using yarn
yarn add @autonomys/auto-consensus

### Importing

Import the \`auto-consensus\` functions you need into your project:

// Import specific functions
import \{ balance, transfer, account \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';

// Or import everything
import * as consensus from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';

### Overview of the \`api\` object

Many functions in the \`auto-consensus\` package require an \`api\` object as a parameter. This \`api\` object is an instance of \`ApiPromise\` from the Polkadot.js API library that serves as a gateway for interacting with the blockchain node.

#### \`api\` core components
> *Note:* Always disconnect the API instance after your operations are complete to free up resources.

- \`api.rpc\`: Methods to perform remote procedure calls to the node.
- \`api.query\`: Access the blockchain's runtime storage.
- \`api.tx\`: Create and submit extrinsics (transactions) to the blockchain.
- \`api.consts\`: Runtime constants defined in the blockchain's metadata.
- \`api.events\`: Access events emitted by the blockchain.
- \`api.types\`: Type definitions used by the chain.

#### Example

import \{ createConnection \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

async function getApiInstance() \{
  const endpoint = 'wss://rpc-0.taurus.subspace.network/ws';
  const api = await createConnection(endpoint);
  return api;

### Available functions
> *Note:* All asynchronous functions return a \`Promise\` and should be used with \`await\` for proper execution flow. Wrap your asynchronous calls in \`try...catch\` blocks to handle potential errors gracefully.

#### Account management

- \`account(api, address): Promise<AccountData>\`: Retrieves an account's nonce and balance data.
- \`balance(api, address): Promise<BalanceData>\`: Retrieves an account's balance details.

#### Balances

- \`totalIssuance(networkId?): Promise<BigInt>\`: Retrieves the total token issuance on the network.
- \`batch(api, txs[]): SubmittableExtrinsic\`: Creates a batch transaction for multiple operations.

#### Blockchain information

- \`block(api): Promise<RawBlock>\`: Retrieves the latest block data.
- \`header(api): Promise<RawBlockHeader>\`: Retrieves the latest block header.
- \`blockHash(api): Promise<string>\`: Retrieves the latest block hash.
- \`blockNumber(api): Promise<number>\`: Retrieves the current block number.
- \`networkTimestamp(api): Promise<bigint>\`: Retrieves the network timestamp.

#### Consensus information

- \`blockchainSize(api): Promise<bigint>\`: Calculates the blockchain's total size.
- \`spacePledged(api): Promise<bigint>\`: Calculates the total space pledged by farmers.
- \`solutionRanges(api): Promise<SolutionRanges>\`: Retrieves the current and next solution ranges.
- \`shouldAdjustSolutionRange(api): Promise<boolean>\`: Checks if the solution range needs adjustment.
- \`segmentCommitment(api): Promise<[StorageKey<AnyTuple>, Codec][]>\`: Retrieves segment commitment entries.
- \`slotProbability(api): [number, number]\`: Returns slot probability constants.
- \`maxPiecesInSector(api): bigint\`: Returns the maximum pieces in a sector.

#### Domains

- \`domainStakingSummary(api): Promise<DomainStakingSummary[]>\`: Retrieves domain staking summaries.
- \`domains(api): Promise<DomainRegistry[]>\`: Retrieves domain registries.
- \`latestConfirmedDomainBlock(api): Promise<ConfirmedDomainBlock[]>\`: Retrieves the latest confirmed blocks per domain.

#### Operators and staking

- \`operators(api): Promise<Operator[]>\`: Retrieves a list of all operators.
- \`operator(api, operatorId): Promise<OperatorDetails>\`: Retrieves the details of a specific operator.
- \`deposits(api, operatorId, account?): Promise<Deposit[]>\`: Retrieves the deposits for a specific operator.
- \`withdrawals(api, operatorId, account?): Promise<Withdrawal[]>\`: Retrieves the withdrawals for a specific operator.
- \`registerOperator(params): SubmittableExtrinsic\`: Creates a transaction to register a new operator.
- \`nominateOperator(params): SubmittableExtrinsic\`: Creates a transaction to nominate an operator.
- \`withdrawStake(params): SubmittableExtrinsic\`: Creates a transaction to withdraw staked tokens.
- \`deregisterOperator(params): SubmittableExtrinsic\`: Creates a transaction to deregister an operator.
- \`unlockFunds(params): SubmittableExtrinsic\`: Creates a transaction to unlock staked funds.
- \`unlockNominator(params): SubmittableExtrinsic\`: Creates a transaction to unlock nominator funds.

#### Transfers

- \`transfer(api, receiver, amount, allowDeath?): SubmittableExtrinsic\`: Creates a transaction to transfer funds.
- \`transferAll(api, receiver, keepAlive?): SubmittableExtrinsic\`: Creates a transaction to transfer all tokens.

#### Utility functions

- \`query<T>(api, methodPath, params?): Promise<T>\`: Queries the blockchain state for a method.
- \`remark(api, remark, withEvent?): SubmittableExtrinsic\`: Creates a remark transaction.
- \`rpc<T>(api, methodPath, params?): Promise<T>\`: Performs an RPC call.

## Interactive usage example

### Fetching the wallet balance (unlocked, locked) and nonce for a wallet

<AutoConsensusFetchBalance />

## Usage examples

Code examples demonstrating how to use the functions provided by \`@autonomys/auto-consensus\`.

### 1. Account management

#### Retrieve detailed account information (including the nonce and balance data)

import \{ account \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \{ activate \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const api = await activate(\{ networkId: 'taurus' \});
  const accountData = await account(api, 'your_address');

  console.log(\`Nonce: \$\{accountData.nonce\}\`);
  console.log(\`Free Balance: \$\{accountData.data.free\}\`);
  console.log(\`Reserved Balance: \$\{accountData.data.reserved\}\`);

  await api.disconnect();

#### Activate a wallet and check its balance

import \{ activateWallet \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';
import \{ balance \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';

(async () => \{
  // Activate a wallet using a mnemonic phrase
  const \{ api, accounts \} = await activateWallet(\{
    mnemonic: 'your mnemonic phrase here', // Replace with your mnemonic
    networkId: 'taurus', // Optional: specify the network ID

  const account = accounts[0];
  console.log(\`Connected with account address: \$\{account.address\}\`);

  // Check the account balance
  const accountBalance = await balance(api, account.address);
  console.log(\`Account balance: \$\{accountBalance.free\}\`);

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();

### 2. Balance operations

#### Retrieve the free balance of an account

import \{ balance \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \{ activate \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const api = await activate(\{ networkId: 'taurus' \});
  const accountBalance = await balance(api, 'your_address');

  console.log(\`Free Balance: \$\{accountBalance.free\}\`);

  await api.disconnect();

#### Retrieve the total token issuance on the network

import \{ totalIssuance \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';

(async () => \{
  const total = await totalIssuance('taurus');

  console.log(\`Total Issuance: \$\{total.toString()\}\`);

### 3. Transfers

#### Transfer funds between accounts

import \{ activateWallet \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';
import \{ transfer \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';

(async () => \{
  // Activate the sender's wallet
  const senderWallet = await activateWallet(\{
    mnemonic: 'sender mnemonic phrase', // Replace with the sender's mnemonic
  const sender = senderWallet.accounts[0];

  // Activate the receiver's wallet
  const receiverWallet = await activateWallet(\{
    mnemonic: 'receiver mnemonic phrase', // Replace with the receiver's mnemonic
  const receiver = receiverWallet.accounts[0];

  // Transfer 1 AI3 from the sender to the receiver
  const amount = 1; // Amount in AI3
  const transferTx = await transfer(senderWallet.api, receiver.address, amount);

  // Sign and send the transaction
  await transferTx.signAndSend(sender, (\{ status, txHash, events \}) => \{
    if (status.isInBlock) \{
      console.log(\`Transaction included at blockHash \$\{status.asInBlock\}\`);
      console.log(\`Transaction hash: \$\{txHash\}\`);
    \} else if (status.isFinalized) \{
      console.log(\`Transaction finalized at blockHash \$\{status.asFinalized\}\`);

  // Disconnect when done
  await senderWallet.api.disconnect();
  await receiverWallet.api.disconnect();

#### Transfer tokens from one wallet to another

import \{ transfer \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \{ activateWallet, signAndSendTx, disconnect \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const \{ api, accounts \} = await activateWallet(\{
    networkId: 'taurus',
    mnemonic: 'your_mnemonic',

  const sender = accounts[0];
  const recipientAddress = 'recipient_address';
  const amount = '1000000000000'; // Amount in the smallest unit (Shannon)

  const tx = await transfer(api, recipientAddress, amount);

  // Sign and send the transaction
  await signAndSendTx(sender, tx);

  console.log(\`Transferred \$\{amount\} tokens to \$\{recipientAddress\}\`);

  await disconnect(api);

### 4. Staking operations

#### Register a new operator for staking

import \{ registerOperator \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \{ activateWallet, signAndSendTx \} from '@autonomys


(async () => \{
  const \{ api \} = await activateWallet(\{
    networkId: 'taurus',
    mnemonic: 'sender_mnemonic',

  // Sender's account (who is registering the operator)
  const \{ accounts: senderAccounts \} = await activateWallet(\{
    networkId: 'taurus',
    mnemonic: 'sender_mnemonic',
  const sender = senderAccounts[0];

  // Operator's account
  const \{ accounts: operatorAccounts \} = await activateWallet(\{
    networkId: 'taurus',
    mnemonic: 'operator_mnemonic',
  const operatorAccount = operatorAccounts[0];

  const tx = await registerOperator(\{
    senderAddress: sender.address,
    Operator: operatorAccount,
    domainId: '0', // Domain ID where the operator will be registered
    amountToStake: '1000000000000000000', // Amount in smallest units
    minimumNominatorStake: '10000000000000000',
    nominationTax: '5', // Percentage as a string (e.g., '5' for 5%)

  // Sign and send the transaction
  await signAndSendTx(sender, tx);

  console.log('Operator registered successfully');

#### Nominate an existing operator by staking tokens

import \{ nominateOperator \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \{ activateWallet, signAndSendTx \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const \{ api, accounts \} = await activateWallet(\{
    networkId: 'taurus',
    mnemonic: 'nominator_mnemonic',
  const nominator = accounts[0];

  const operatorId = '1'; // The ID of the operator to nominate
  const amountToStake = '5000000000000000000'; // Amount in smallest units

  const tx = await nominateOperator(\{

  // Sign and send the transaction
  await signAndSendTx(nominator, tx);

  console.log(\`Nominated operator \$\{operatorId\} with \$\{amountToStake\} stake\`);

### 5. Blockchain information

#### Retrieve the current block number, block hash, and network timestamp

import \{ blockNumber, blockHash, networkTimestamp \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \{ activate \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const api = await activate(\{ networkId: 'taurus' \});

  const currentBlockNumber = await blockNumber(api);
  const currentBlockHash = await blockHash(api);
  const currentTimestamp = await networkTimestamp(api);

  console.log(\`Current Block Number: \$\{currentBlockNumber\}\`);
  console.log(\`Current Block Hash: \$\{currentBlockHash\}\`);
  console.log(\`Network Timestamp: \$\{currentTimestamp\}\`);

  await api.disconnect();

### 6. Domain interactions

#### Retrieve the list of domains registered on the network

import \{ domains \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \{ activate \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const api = await activate(\{ networkId: 'taurus' \});
  const domainList = await domains(api);

  domainList.forEach((domain) => \{
    console.log(\`Domain ID: \$\{domain.id\}\`);
    console.log(\`Owner Address: \$\{domain.owner\}\`);
    console.log(\`Creation Block: \$\{domain.creationBlock\}\`);
    // ...other domain properties

  await api.disconnect();

#### Retrieve staking summaries for all domains

import \{ domainStakingSummary \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \{ activate \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const api = await activate(\{ networkId: 'taurus' \});
  const stakingSummaries = await domainStakingSummary(api);

  stakingSummaries.forEach((summary) => \{
    console.log(\`Domain ID: \$\{summary.domainId\}\`);
    console.log(\`Total Stake: \$\{summary.totalStake\}\`);
    // ...other summary properties

  await api.disconnect();

#### Retrieve the latest confirmed blocks for each domain

import \{ latestConfirmedDomainBlock \} from '@autonomys/auto-consensus';
import \{ activate \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const api = await activate(\{ networkId: 'taurus' \});
  const confirmedBlocks = await latestConfirmedDomainBlock(api);

  confirmedBlocks.forEach((blockInfo) => \{
    console.log(\`Domain ID: \$\{blockInfo.id\}\`);
    console.log(\`Block Number: \$\{blockInfo.number\}\`);
    console.log(\`Block Hash: \$\{blockInfo.hash\}\`);
    // ...other block properties

  await api.disconnect();


### File: sdk/auto-drive.mdx

## Auto-Drive Package

### Introduction

The \`@autonomys/auto-drive\` package provides utilities for creating and managing IPLD DAGs (InterPlanetary Linked Data Directed Acyclic Graphs) for files and folders, chunking large files, handling metadata, and creating folder structures suitable for distributed storage systems like IPFS.

### Features

- **File Chunking and DAG Creation**: Efficiently split large files into smaller chunks and create IPLD DAGs.
- **Folder Structure Creation**: Generate IPLD DAGs for directory structures.
- **Metadata Handling**: Add and manage metadata for files and folders.
- **CID Management**: Utilities for working with Content Identifiers (CIDs).
- **TypeScript Support**: Fully typed for an enhanced developer experience.

### Auto Drive Dashboard

View your upload and download limits, access files uploaded by other users, and manage and share your submissions by logging in to Auto Drive:

1. Open [Auto Drive](https://ai3.storage/)
2. Sign in via Google or Discord  


3. On the Dashboard you will see:  

   - Your upload limit (currently **100MB** per month)  
   - Your download limit (currently **5GB** per month)  
   - A list of **uploaded files** and their **CIDs**
   - Options to **Download**, **Share** or **Remove** each file


> *Note:* Removing a file does not delete it from the DSN as it is permanent storage. It only removes the file from your Dashboard.

4. Use the in-browser environment to upload, download or share files, or the SDK functions (described below) to upload files or folders via the CLI.


#### Creating an API key

Click on \`Profile\` to create your API key. Use this API key in the CLI to upload files or folders.


#### Sharing files

Click the \`Share\` button next to a file to share it using a link, or provide a user’s public ID to share all their files. Each user’s public ID is visible on their \`Profile\` page.


### Installation

Install the package via \`npm\` or \`yarn\`:

# Using npm
npm install @autonomys/auto-drive

# Using yarn
yarn add @autonomys/auto-drive

### Importing

Import the \`auto-drive\` functions you need into your project:

// Import specific functions
import \{ createFileIPLDDag, createFolderIPLDDag \} from '@autonomys/auto-drive';

// Or import everything
import * as drive from '@autonomys/auto-drive';

### Available functions

> *Note:* All asynchronous functions return a \`Promise\` (or an async iterable in the case of \`downloadObject\`), and should be used with \`await\` for proper execution flow. Wrap asynchronous calls in \`try...catch\` blocks to handle potential errors gracefully. Ensure that file paths are correct and accessible when reading from or writing to the file system.

#### Upload and download operations

- \`uploadFile(api, file, options): Promise<string>\`: Uploads a file (using a buffer, \`File\`, or a custom interface) with optional encryption and compression. Returns the resulting CID as a string.
- \`uploadFileFromFilepath(api, filepath, options): Promise<string>\`: Uploads a file from a filesystem path.
- \`uploadFileFromInput(api, file, options): Promise<string>\`: Uploads a file obtained from a browser's \`File\` API.
- \`uploadFolderFromFolderPath(api, folderPath, options): Promise<string>\`: Uploads a folder from a filesystem path.
- \`uploadFolderFromInput(api, fileList, options): Promise<string>\`: Uploads a folder from a browser's \`FileList\`.
- \`uploadFileWithinFolderUpload(api, uploadId, file, options): Promise<string>\`: Uploads a file within an existing folder upload session.
- \`downloadFile(api, cid, password?): AsyncIterable<Buffer>\`: Downloads a file from its CID, with optional decryption using a password.
- \`downloadObject(api, params): AsyncIterable<Buffer>\`: Downloads an object from its CID (likely implemented as \`apiCalls.downloadObject\`).

#### Utility functions

- \`uploadFileChunks(api, fileUploadId, asyncIterable, uploadChunkSize, onProgress): Promise<void>\`: Handles the chunked upload of files to the server.
- \`constructZipBlobFromTreeAndPaths(tree, filesMap): Promise<Blob>\`: Creates a zip archive from a file tree and corresponding file paths.
- \`constructFromInput(files): FolderTree\`: Constructs a folder tree from an array of files.
- \`fileToIterable(file): AsyncIterable<Buffer>\`: Converts a file into an async iterable of buffers.

#### CID utilities

- \`cidOfNode(node): CID\`: Generates a CID from an IPLD node.
- \`cidToString(cid): string\`: Converts a CID to its string representation.
- \`stringToCid(cidString): CID\`: Parses a CID string back into a CID object.

#### Node encoding and decoding

- \`encodeNode(node): Uint8Array\`: Encodes an IPLD node into a byte array.
- \`decodeNode(encodedNode): any\`: Decodes a byte array back into an IPLD node.

## Usage examples

### 1. Uploading a file from a filepath

import \{ uploadFileFromFilepath,createAutoDriveApi \} from '@autonomys/auto-drive'

const api = createAutoDriveApi(\{ apiKey: 'your-api-key' \}) // Initialize your API instance with an API key
const filePath = 'path/to/your/file.txt' // Specify the path to your file
const options = \{
  password: 'your-encryption-password', // Optional: specify a password for encryption
  compression: true,
  // An optional callback useful for large file uploads
  onProgress?: (progress: number) => \{
    console.log(\`The upload is completed is \$\{progress\}% completed\`)

const cid = await uploadFileFromFilepath(api, filePath, options)

console.log(\`The file is uploaded and its cid is \$\{cid\}\`)

### 2. Uploading a file from an input (interface)

import \{ uploadFileFromInput, createAutoDriveApi \} from '@autonomys/auto-drive'

const api = createAutoDriveApi(\{ apiKey: 'your-api-key' \}) // Initialize your API instance with an API key

// e.g. Get the file from the object of an HTML event
const file: File = e.target.value // Substitute with your file
const options = \{
  password: 'your-encryption-password', // Optional: specify a password for encryption
  compression: true,
const cid = await uploadFileFromInput(api, file, options)

console.log(\`The file is uploaded and its cid is \$\{cid\}\`)


### 3. Uploading a file from a custom interface with \`GenericFile\`:

export interface GenericFile \{
  read(): AsyncIterable<Buffer> // A buffer generator function that will output the bytes of the file
  name: string
  mimeType?: string
  size: number
  path: string // Can be ignored for a file upload
You can upload any file that can be represented in this way, e.g. as a \`Buffer\`:

import \{ createAutoDriveApi, uploadFile \} from '@autonomys/auto-drive'

const api = createAutoDriveApi(\{ apiKey: 'your-api-key' \}) // Initialize your API instance with an API key
const buffer = Buffer.from(...);
const GenericFile = \{
  read: async function *() \{
    yield buffer
  name: "autonomys-whitepaper.pdf",
  mimeType: "application/pdf",
  size: 1234556,
  path: "autonomys-whitepaper.pdf"

const options = \{
  password: 'your-encryption-password', // Optional: specify a password for encryption
  compression: true,
  // An optional callback useful for large file uploads
  onProgress?: (progress: number) => \{
    console.log(\`The upload is completed is \$\{progress\}% completed\`)

const cid = uploadFile(api, genericFile, options)

console.log(\`The file is uploaded and its cid is \$\{cid\}\`)

### 4. Uploading a folder

> *Note:* Before being encrypted and uploaded, a folder is first converted to a zip file.

import \{ createAutoDriveApi, uploadFolderFromFolderPath \} from '@autonomys/auto-drive'

const api = createAutoDriveApi(\{ apiKey: 'your-api-key' \}) // Initialize your API instance with an API key
const folderPath = 'path/to/your/folder' // Specify the path to your folder

const options = \{
  uploadChunkSize: 1024 * 1024, // Optional: specify the chunk size for uploads
  password: 'your-encryption-password', // Optional: if the folder is encrypted
  // An optional callback useful for large file uploads
  onProgress: (progress: number) => \{
    console.log(\`The upload is completed is \$\{progress\}% completed\`)

const folderCID = await uploadFolderFromFolderPath(api, folderPath, options)

console.log(\`The folder is uploaded and its cid is \$\{folderCID\}\`)


### 5. Downloading files

import \{ createAutoDriveApi, downloadFile \} from '@autonomys/auto-drive'

const api = createAutoDriveApi(\{ apiKey: 'your-api-key' \}) // Initialize your API instance with an API key

try \{
  const cid = '..'
  const stream = await downloadFile(api, cid)
  let file = Buffer.alloc(0)
  for await (const chunk of stream) \{
    file = Buffer.concat([file, chunk])
  console.log('File downloaded successfully:', stream)
\} catch (error) \{
  console.error('Error downloading file:', error)

### 6. Retrieving root directories with \`getRoots\`

import \{ createAutoDriveApi, apiCalls, Scope \} from '@autonomys/auto-drive'

const api = createAutoDriveApi(\{ apiKey: 'your-api-key' \}) // Initialize your API instance with an API key

try \{
  const myFiles = await apiCalls.getRoots(api, \{
    scope: Scope.User,
    limit: 100,
    offset: 0,

  console.log(\`Retrieved \$\{myFiles.rows.length\} files of \$\{myFiles.totalCount\} total\`)
  for (const file of myFiles.rows) \{
    console.log(\`\$\{file.name\} - \$\{file.headCid\}: \$\{file.size\}\`)
\} catch (error) \{
  console.error('Error downloading file:', error)


### File: sdk/auto-id.mdx

## Auto-ID Package

> *Note:* The Auto ID domain is not yet available on the Taurus testnet or Autonomys Network mainnet.

### Introduction

The \`@autonomys/auto-id\` package provides functionalities for managing certificates, authenticating users, and integrating Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) on the Autonomys Network.

### Features

- **Certificate Management**: Create, issue, and handle x509 certificates linked to Auto IDs.
- **Zero-Knowledge Proof Integration**: Utilize ZKP claims for enhanced privacy and authentication.
- **User Authentication**: Verify user identities through their Auto IDs and certificates.
- **TypeScript Support**: Fully typed for an enhanced developer experience.
- **Blockchain Interaction**: Interact with the Autonomys Network without dealing with low-level blockchain complexities.

### Installation

Install the package via \`npm\` or \`yarn\`:

# Using npm
npm install @autonomys/auto-id

# Using yarn
yarn add @autonomys/auto-id

### Importing

Import the \`auto-id\` functions you need into your project:

// Import specific functions
import \{ selfIssueCertificate, authenticateAutoIdUser \} from '@autonomys/auto-id';

// Or import everything
import * as autoId from '@autonomys/auto-id';

## Available functions

> *Note:* Many asynchronous functions return promises and should be used with \`await\` to ensure proper execution flow. Wrap your asynchronous calls in \`try...catch\` blocks to handle potential errors gracefully.

### Auto ID functions

> *Note:* Always disconnect the API instance after your operations are complete to free up resources.

- \`addDaysToCurrentDate(days: number): Date\`: Returns the current date plus specified days.
- \`authenticateAutoIdUser(api, autoId, challenge, signature): Promise<boolean>\`: Verifies an Auto ID user by signature over a challenge.
- \`AutoIdError\`: Enum of possible Auto ID errors.
- \`checkCertificateAndRevocationList(api, autoIdIdentifier, getCertificate): Promise<AutoIdX509Certificate>\`: Checks if a certificate exists and is not revoked.
- \`convertX509CertToDerEncodedComponents(certificate): [Uint8Array, Uint8Array]\`: Converts an X.509 certificate to DER-encoded components.
- \`decryptPem(pem, password): string\`: Decrypts an encrypted PEM key using a password.
- \`deactivateAutoId(api, autoIdIdentifier, signature): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>\`: Creates a transaction to deactivate an Auto ID.
- \`derEncodeSignatureAlgorithmOID(oid, parameters?): Uint8Array\`: DER-encodes a signature algorithm OID.
- \`getCertificate(api, autoIdIdentifier): Promise<AutoIdX509Certificate | undefined>\`: Retrieves a certificate from the blockchain.
- \`getCertificateRevocationList(api, autoIdIdentifier): Promise<string[]>\`: Retrieves the revocation list for an Auto ID.
- \`getCertificateSubjectPublicKey(api, autoIdIdentifier): Promise<CryptoKey>\`: Retrieves the public key from a stored certificate.
- \`hexStringToU8a(hexString): Uint8Array\`: Converts a hex string to a \`Uint8Array\`.
- \`identifierFromX509Cert(issuerId, certificate): string\`: Generates an Auto ID identifier from a certificate.
- \`mapErrorCodeToEnum(errorCode): AutoIdError | null\`: Maps an error code to an \`AutoIdError\`.
- \`pemToCryptoKeyForSigning(pem, algorithm): Promise<CryptoKey>\`: Converts a PEM key to a \`CryptoKey\` for signing.
- \`pemToHex(pem): string\`: Converts a PEM key to a hex string.
- \`registerAutoId(api, certificate, issuerId?): SubmittableExtrinsic\`: Creates a transaction to register an Auto ID.
- \`renewAutoId(api, autoIdIdentifier, newCertificate): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>\`: Creates a transaction to renew an Auto ID.
- \`revokeCertificate(api, autoIdIdentifier, signature): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>\`: Creates a transaction to revoke a certificate.
- \`validateCertificatePublicKey(certPublicKey, derivedPublicKey): Promise<boolean>\`: Validates if a derived public key matches the certificate's.

### Certificate management

> *Note:* Ensure that certificates have appropriate validity periods and are renewed before expiration.

- \`certificateToPem(cert): string\`: Converts a certificate to PEM format.
- \`createAndSignCSR(subjectName, keyPair): Promise<Pkcs10CertificateRequest>\`: Creates and signs a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
- \`createCSR(subjectName, keyPair): Promise<Pkcs10CertificateRequest>\`: Creates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
- \`getCertificateAutoId(certificate): string | undefined\`: Extracts the Auto ID from a certificate's SAN extension.
- \`getSubjectCommonName(subject): string | undefined\`: Retrieves the common name from a certificate subject.
- \`issueCertificate(csr, issuerCertificateData, validityPeriodDays?): Promise<X509Certificate>\`: Issues a certificate based on a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
- \`pemToCertificate(pem): X509Certificate\`: Converts a PEM string to a certificate object.
- \`prettyPrintCertificate(cert): void\`: Prints certificate details to the console.
- \`saveCertificate(certificate, filePath): Promise<void>\`: Saves a certificate to a file in PEM format.
- \`selfIssueCertificate(subjectName, keyPair, validityPeriodDays?): Promise<X509Certificate>\`: Generates a self-signed certificate.
- \`signCSR(csr, keyPair): Promise<Pkcs10CertificateRequest>\`: Signs a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using a private key.

### Key management

> *Note:* Handle private keys securely. Do not expose them in your code or logs. When saving private keys, use password protection to encrypt the key files.

- \`cryptoKeyPairFromPrivateKey(privateKey, algorithm, password?): Promise<CryptoKeyPair>\`: Generates a key pair from a private key.
- \`cryptoKeyToPem(key, password?): Promise<string>\`: Converts a \`CryptoKey\` to PEM format.
- \`doPublicKeysMatch(publicKey1, publicKey2): Promise<boolean>\`: Checks if two public keys are identical.
- \`generateEd25519KeyPair(): Promise<CryptoKeyPair>\`: Generates an Ed25519 key pair.
- \`generateRsaKeyPair(keySize?): Promise<CryptoKeyPair>\`: Generates an RSA key pair.
- \`keyToHex(key): Promise<string>\`: Converts a \`CryptoKey\` to a hex string.
- \`loadPrivateKey(filePath, algorithm, password?): Promise<CryptoKey>\`: Loads a private key from a file.
- \`loadPublicKey(filePath, algorithm): Promise<CryptoKey>\`: Loads a public key from a file.
- \`pemToPrivateKey(pemData, algorithm, password?): Promise<CryptoKey>\`: Converts a PEM private key to a \`CryptoKey\`.
- \`pemToPublicKey(pemData, algorithm): Promise<CryptoKey>\`: Converts a PEM public key to a \`CryptoKey\`.
- \`rawToPrivateKey(arrayBuffer, algorithm): Promise<CryptoKey>\`: Imports a private key from raw data.
- \`rawToPublicKey(rawKey, algorithm): Promise<CryptoKey>\`: Imports a public key from raw data.
- \`saveKey(key, filePath, password?): Promise<void>\`: Saves a \`CryptoKey\` to a file.

## Usage examples

### 1. User authentication

#### Verify a user's identity using their Auto ID, challenge message, and signature

import \{ authenticateAutoIdUser \} from '@autonomys/auto-id';
import \{ activate \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  // Activate the network API
  const api = await activate(\{ networkId: 'mainnet' \});

  // User's Auto ID
  const autoId = 'user-auto-id'; // Replace with the user's Auto ID

  // Challenge message that the user needs to sign
  const challengeMessage = 'Please sign this message to authenticate.';
  const challenge = new TextEncoder().encode(challengeMessage);

  // Assume the user provides the signature
  const signature = new Uint8Array([...]); // User's signature as Uint8Array

  // Authenticate the user
  const isAuthenticated = await authenticateAutoIdUser(api, autoId, challenge, signature);

  if (isAuthenticated) \{
    console.log('User authenticated successfully.');
  \} else \{
    console.log('Authentication failed.');

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();


- \`api\`: Connected API instance.
- \`autoId\`: User's Auto ID.
- \`challenge\`: The challenge message (\`BufferSource\`).
- \`signature\`: User's signature over the challenge (\`BufferSource\`).


- \`Promise<boolean>\` indicating authentication success.


### 2. Certificate management

#### Generate a self-signed x509 certificate for an Auto ID

import \{ selfIssueCertificate \} from '@autonomys/auto-id';
import \{ generateKeyPair \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  // Generate a key pair
  const keyPair = await generateKeyPair();

  // Subject name for the certificate
  const subjectName = 'CN=User Name'; // Replace with the appropriate subject

  // Generate a self-signed certificate
  const certificate = await selfIssueCertificate(subjectName, keyPair);

  console.log('Certificate created:', certificate);

  // Optional: save the certificate to a file or store it securely


- \`subjectName\`: The subject name for the certificate (e.g., \`'CN=User Name'\`).
- \`keyPair\`: The key pair for the certificate.


- \`Promise<x509.X509Certificate>\`.

#### Issue a certificate based on a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

import \{
\} from '@autonomys/auto-id';
import \{ generateKeyPair \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  // Generate key pairs for the subject and issuer
  const subjectKeyPair = await generateKeyPair();
  const issuerKeyPair = await generateKeyPair();

  // Subject and issuer names
  const subjectName = 'CN=Subject Name';
  const issuerName = 'CN=Issuer Name';

  // Create the issuer's self-signed certificate
  const issuerCertificate = await selfIssueCertificate(issuerName, issuerKeyPair);

  // Create and sign the CSR for the subject
  const csr = await createAndSignCSR(subjectName, subjectKeyPair);

  // Issue a certificate to the subject using the issuer's certificate and key pair
  const issuedCertificate = await issueCertificate(csr, \{
    certificate: issuerCertificate,
    keyPair: issuerKeyPair,

  console.log('Issued Certificate:', issuedCertificate);

**Parameters for \`issueCertificate\`:**

- \`csr\`: The CSR from the subject.
- \`issuerCertificateData\`: Contains the issuer's certificate and key pair.
- \`validityPeriodDays\` (optional): Certificate validity period in days.


- \`Promise<x509.X509Certificate>\`.

### 3. Key management

#### Generate a cryptographic key pair and save it to files

import \{ generateKeyPair, saveKey \} from '@autonomys/auto-id';

(async () => \{
  // Generate a key pair
  const keyPair = await generateKeyPair();

  // Save the private key
  await saveKey(keyPair.privateKey, 'path/to/privateKey.pem', 'your-password');

  // Save the public key
  await saveKey(keyPair.publicKey, 'path/to/publicKey.pem');

  console.log('Keys saved successfully.');


- \`key\`: The \`CryptoKey\` to save.
- \`filePath\`: The file path where the key will be saved.
- \`password\` (optional): The password for encrypting the private key.

### 4. Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)

#### Generate a Zero-Knowledge Proof claim using the Reclaim protocol

import \{ ReclaimZKPClaim, buildReclaimRequest \} from '@autonomys/auto-id';
import \{ Proof \} from '@reclaimprotocol/js-sdk';

(async () => \{
  // Application ID from Reclaim Protocol
  const appId = 'your-app-id'; // Replace with your actual app ID

  // Supported claim type (e.g., 'GoogleEmail')
  const claimType = 'GoogleEmail';

  // Build a Reclaim proof request
  const reclaimRequest = await buildReclaimRequest(appId, claimType);

  // Start the Reclaim session (this may involve user interaction)
    onSuccessCallback: async (proofs: Proof[]) => \{
      // Handle the proofs
      const proof = proofs[0];

      // Create a ZKP claim
      const zkpClaim = new ReclaimZKPClaim('your-service-id', proof);

      // Verify the proof validity
      const isValid = await zkpClaim.verify();

      if (isValid) \{
        console.log('ZKP Claim is valid:', zkpClaim);
      \} else \{
        console.log('ZKP Claim verification failed.');
    onFailureCallback: (error: Error) => \{
      console.error('Reclaim session failed:', error);


- \`serviceId\`: An identifier for your service.
- \`proof\`: The proof object obtained from the Reclaim protocol.


- \`Promise<void>\`.


### File: sdk/auto-utils.mdx

## Auto-Utils Package

### Introduction

The \`@autonomys/auto-utils\` package provides core utility functions for interacting with and building applications on the Autonomys Network.

### Features

- **Wallet Management**: Initialize and manage wallets using mnemonics or URIs.
- **Network Configuration**: Access and manage network and domain settings.
- **Data Storage**: Save and read data to and from local storage or the file system.
- **Cryptographic Operations**: Perform hashing and data manipulation using cryptographic functions.
- **API Activation**: Activate and manage connections to the Autonomys Network APIs.
- **Address Utilities**: Convert and decode addresses to and from standardized formats.

### Installation

Install the package via \`npm\` or \`yarn\`:

# Using npm
npm install @autonomys/auto-utils

# Using yarn
yarn add @autonomys/auto-utils

### Importing

Import the \`auto-utils\` functions you need into your project:

// Import specific functions
import \{ activateWallet, activate, blake2b_256 \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

// Or import everything
import * as utils from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

### Available functions

> *Note:* All asynchronous functions return a \`Promise\` and should be used with \`await\` for proper execution flow. Wrap asynchronous calls in \`try...catch\` blocks to handle potential errors gracefully.

#### Account and address utilities

- \`address(input): string\`: Standardizes an address format.
- \`createAccountIdType(api, address): Uint8Array\`: Creates an \`AccountId\` object from an address.
- \`decode(input): Uint8Array\`: Decodes an address to bytes.

#### API and connection management

> *Note:* Always disconnect the API instance after operations to free up resources.

- \`activate(options?): Promise<ApiPromise>\`: Connects to the Autonomys Network.
- \`activateDomain(params): Promise<ApiPromise>\`: Connects to a specific domain.
- \`createConnection(endpoint, options?): Promise<ApiPromise>\`: Creates a new API connection.
- \`disconnect(api): Promise<void>\`: Disconnects an API instance.

#### Cryptographic functions

- \`blake2b_256(data): string\`: Hashes data with BLAKE2b-256.
- \`concatenateUint8Arrays(...arrays): Uint8Array\`: Concatenates multiple \`Uint8Array\`s.
- \`stringToUint8Array(string): Uint8Array\`: Converts a string to \`Uint8Array\`.

#### Data storage

> *Note:* Be cautious when saving sensitive data using \`save\` and \`read\` as data storage is permanent. Handle private keys securely. Do not expose them in code or logs.

- \`read(key): Promise<any>\`: Reads data from storage.
- \`readFromFileSystem(key): Promise<any>\`: Reads data from file system.
- \`readFromLocalStorage(key): Promise<any>\`: Reads data from local storage.
- \`save(key, value): Promise<void>\`: Saves data to storage.
- \`saveOnFileSystem(key, value): Promise<void>\`: Saves data to file system.
- \`saveOnLocalStorage(key, value): Promise<void>\`: Saves data to local storage.

#### Event management

- \`eventName(type, event): string\`: Combines a type and an event into a full event name.
- \`eventsGroup\`: Groups system events by name.
- \`expectSuccessfulTxEvent\`: Default success event names array.
- \`Type\`: Enum for event types (e.g., \`system\`).
- \`validateEvents(events, eventsExpected?, tx, block, log?): EventsValidated\`: Checks if expected events are in transaction events.

#### Network management

- \`getNetworkDetails(options): NetworkDetails\`: Retrieves the details of a network.
- \`getNetworkDomainDetails(options): DomainDetails\`: Retrieves the details of a domain.
- \`getNetworkDomainRpcUrls(options): string[]\`: Retrieves the RPC URLs for a domain.
- \`getNetworkRpcUrls(options): string[]\`: Retrieves the RPC URLs for a network.
- \`networks\`: Array of available networks.

#### Signing utilities

- \`signMessage(signer, address, data): Promise<\{ signature: string \}>\`: Signs a message with a signer and an address.
- \`signatureVerify\`: Verifies signatures (re-exported from \`@polkadot/util-crypto\`).
- \`signingKey(publicKey): string\`: Converts a public key to a hex string.

#### String utilities

- \`capitalizeFirstLetter(string): string\`: Capitalizes the first letter.
- \`fixLengthEntryId(blockHeight, indexInBlock?): string\`: Creates fixed-length IDs.
- \`isAddress(address): boolean\`: Validates a Substrate address.
- \`isHex(value): boolean\`: Validates a hexadecimal string.
- \`shortString(value, initialLength?, endLength?): string\`: Truncates strings.
- \`stringify(value): string\`: Stringifies values, handling BigInt.

#### Token and value formatting

- \`formatSpacePledged(value, decimals?): string\`: Formats space amount with units.
- \`formatTokenAmount(amount, decimals?): bigint\`: Formats token amount with decimals.
- \`parseTokenAmount(amount, decimals?): number\`: Parses token amount with decimals.

#### Transaction utilities

- \`signAndSendTx(sender, tx, options?, eventsExpected?, log?, mapErrorCodeToEnum?): Promise<TransactionSignedAndSend>\`: Signs, sends, and validates a transaction.

#### Wallet management

- \`activateWallet(options): Promise<\{ api, accounts \}>\`: Activates a wallet using a mnemonic or URI.
- \`generateWallet(): GeneratedWallet\`: Generates a new wallet with a mnemonic.
- \`getMockWallet(name, wallets): Wallet\`: Retrieves a mock wallet by name.
- \`mockWallets(options, api?): Promise<Wallet[]>\`: Creates mock wallets for testing.
- \`setupWallet(params): Wallet\`: Sets up a wallet from a mnemonic or URI.

## Usage examples

### 1. Wallet management

#### Activate a wallet using a mnemonic phrase

import \{ activateWallet \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const mnemonic = 'your mnemonic phrase here';

  const \{ api, accounts \} = await activateWallet(\{
    networkId: 'taurus', // Optional: specify the network ID

  const account = accounts[0];
  console.log(\`Connected with account address: \$\{account.address\}\`);

  // Perform actions with the account...

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();

#### Activate a wallet using a URI

import \{ activateWallet \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const \{ api, accounts \} = await activateWallet(\{
    uri: '//Alice',
    networkId: 'localhost', // Connect to a local network

  const account = accounts[0];
  console.log(\`Connected with account address: \$\{account.address\}\`);

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();

#### Create mock wallets for testing

import \{ activate, mockWallets, getMockWallet \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const api = await activate(\{ networkId: 'taurus' \});

  const wallets = await mockWallets(\{\}, api);
  const aliceWallet = getMockWallet('Alice', wallets);
  const bobWallet = getMockWallet('Bob', wallets);

  console.log(\`Alice's address: \$\{aliceWallet.accounts[0].address\}\`);
  console.log(\`Bob's address: \$\{bobWallet.accounts[0].address\}\`);

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();

### 2. Network management

#### List all available networks

import \{ networks \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

networks.forEach((network) => \{
  console.log(\`Network ID: \$\{network.id\}, Name: \$\{network.name\}\`);

#### Retrieve the details of a specific network

import \{ getNetworkDetails \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const network = getNetworkDetails(\{ networkId: 'taurus' \});
console.log(\`Network Name: \$\{network.name\}\`);
console.log(\`RPC URLs: \$\{network.rpcUrls.join(', ')\}\`);

#### Retrieve the details of a specific domain within a network

import \{ getNetworkDomainDetails \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const domain = getNetworkDomainDetails(\{ domainId: '1', networkId: 'taurus' \});
console.log(\`Domain Name: \$\{domain.name\}\`);
console.log(\`RPC URLs: \$\{domain.rpcUrls.join(', ')\}\`);

### 3. Cryptographic functions

#### Hash a string using BLAKE2b-256

import \{ blake2b_256, stringToUint8Array \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const data = 'Hello, Autonomys!';
const dataBytes = stringToUint8Array(data);
const hash = blake2b_256(dataBytes);

console.log(\`Hash: \$\{hash\}\`); // Outputs the hash of the input string

#### Convert a string to a \`Uint8Array\`

import \{ stringToUint8Array \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const text = 'Sample text';
const byteArray = stringToUint8Array(text);

console.log(byteArray); // Outputs Uint8Array representation of the string

#### Concatenate two \`Uint8Array\` instances

import \{ stringToUint8Array, concatenateUint8Arrays \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const array1 = stringToUint8Array('First part ');
const array2 = stringToUint8Array('Second part');

const concatenated = concatenateUint8Arrays(array1, array2);
console.log(\`Concatenated Result: \$\{new TextDecoder().decode(concatenated)\}\`);
// Outputs: "First part Second part"

### 4. API activation

#### Activate the network API (connect to the Autonomys Network)

import \{ activate \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const api = await activate(\{ networkId: 'taurus' \});

  console.log('API connected');

  // Perform API calls...

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();

#### Activate a domain API (connect to a specific domain within the Autonomys Network)

import \{ activateDomain \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

(async () => \{
  const api = await activateDomain(\{ domainId: '1', networkId: 'taurus' \});

  console.log('Domain API connected');

  // Perform domain-specific API calls...

  // Disconnect when done
  await api.disconnect();

### 5. Data storage

#### Save data to local storage or the file system and read it back

import \{ save, read \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const key = 'myData';
const value = \{ message: 'Hello, Autonomys!' \};

// Save data
save(key, value);

// Read data
const retrievedValue = read(key);
console.log(retrievedValue); // Outputs: \{ message: 'Hello, Autonomys!' \}

### 6. Address utilities

#### Convert an address to a standardized format and decode it

import \{ address, decode \} from '@autonomys/auto-utils';

const originalAddress = '5GmS1wtCfR4tK5SSgnZbVT4kYw5W8NmxmijcsxCQE6oLW6A8';
const standardizedAddress = address(originalAddress);
const decodedAddress = decode(originalAddress);

console.log(\`Standardized Address: \$\{standardizedAddress\}\`);
console.log('Decoded Address:', decodedAddress);


### File: sdk/auto-xdm.mdx

## Auto XDM

> *Note:* Cross-domain messaging (XDM) is not yet enabled on the Taurus testnet or Autonomys Network mainnet.

### Available functions

#### Cross-domain transfers

> *Note:* The \`transfer\` function returns a \`Promise\` that resolves to a \`SubmittableExtrinsic\`, which can be signed and submitted to the blockchain.

- \`transfer(api: ApiPromise, destination: ChainOrDomain, receiver: string, amount: Amount): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>\`: Creates a transaction to transfer a specified amount to a receiver at a given destination (can be either on the consensus chain or a specific domain).

#### Types

- **Amount**: \`BigInt | number | string\`  
  Represents the amount to be transferred.

- **ChainOrDomain**: \`Consensus | Domain\`  
  A union type representing either the consensus chain or a domain.

- **Consensus**: \`\{ type: 'consensus' \}\`  
  Specifies the consensus chain as the destination.

- **Domain**: \`\{ type: 'domain'; domainId: number \}\`  
  Specifies a domain as the destination, identified by a \`domainId\`.

## Usage example

// For transferring to the consensus chain
await transfer(api, \{ type: 'consensus' \}, 'receiverAddress', amount)

// For transferring to a specific domain
await transfer(api, \{ type: 'domain', domainId: 1 \}, 'receiverAddress', amount)


### File: sdk/index.mdx

title: Auto SDK

## Auto SDK

### What is the Auto SDK?

The **Auto SDK** is a powerful toolkit of JavaScript/TypeScript packages for developers to seamlessly integrate with the Autonomys Network. It provides simple APIs for interacting with the *consensus* layer, utilizing *data storage*, managing *decentralized identities*, and (soon) handling *AI3 payments*, in addition to general-purpose functions essential for building decentralized applications (dApps)—all in JavaScript and TypeScript—abstracting away the complexities of blockchain and smart contracts.

### Key features:

- **Modular Architecture**: Use only the packages you need.
- **Easy to Use**: Simplifies blockchain operations with high-level functions.
- **Flexible**: Suitable for both beginners and experienced blockchain developers.
- **Open-source**: Built by and for the community.

### Why the Auto SDK?

- **Simplify Development**: Focus on your application's logic rather than blockchain intricacies.
- **Accelerate Time-to-Market**: Reduce development time with ready-to-use functions.
- **Ensure Compatibility**: Stay up-to-date with the latest Autonomys blockchain protocols.
- **Enhance Security**: Utilize well-tested code for critical operations like identity management.

## Packages

The Auto SDK monorepo contains multiple packages, each serving a specific purpose. All packages are published to \`npm\` under the \`@autonomys\` scope:

- **\`@autonomys/auto-utils\`**: Core utility functions for interacting with the Autonomys Network.
- **\`@autonomys/auto-consensus\`**: Functions for interacting with the consensus layer.
- **\`@autonomys/auto-drive\`**: Tools for preparing, uploading and managing data for on-chain storage.
- **\`@autonomys/auto-id\`**: Functions for issuing, renewing, verifying and revoking Autonomys identities (Auto IDs).

## Quick Start Guide: Install and Code Example 
A short video guide on installing the Auto SDK, along with a simple coding example demonstrating how to retrieve an account balance.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/B5J9fwE5-vI?si=Mt133r3I2QnCae0A" title="Auto SDK Quick Start Guide: Install and Code Example" frameBorder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

## Step-by-step guide

### Requirements

- **\`Node.js\`** (version 14 or higher)
- **\`yarn\`** or **\`npm\`**

### Installation

Install the packages you need via \`npm\` or \`yarn\`. For example, to install \`@autonomys/auto-utils\` and \`@autonomys/auto-consensus\`:

#### Using \`npm\`

npm install @autonomys/auto-utils @autonomys/auto-consensus

#### Using \`yarn\`

yarn add @autonomys/auto-utils @autonomys/auto-consensus

### Cloning the repository and building locally (*optional*)

If you want to run the SDK packages locally or contribute to the SDK, clone the repository and build the packages from source. Setup instructions:

#### 1. Clone the repository
   Open your terminal and run:
   git clone https://github.com/autonomys/auto-sdk.git

#### 2. Navigate to the project directory
   cd auto-sdk

#### 3. Install dependencies
   yarn install

#### 4. Compile all packages
   yarn run build

#### 5. Run tests on all packages
   yarn run test

### Localhost testing (*optional*)

Test the SDK packages against a local Autonomys node:

#### 1. Verify OS and architecture settings

Edit the \`scripts/download.sh\` file and ensure that lines 3-7 match your current operating system and architecture:

# Change the following variables as needed
# OS to download
OS="macos" # Options: macos | ubuntu | windows
# Architecture to download
ARCHITECTURE="aarch64" # Options: aarch64 | x86_64-skylake | x86_64-v2

#### 2. Run the development script

Execute the following command to start the local node and farmer:

node scripts/run-dev.js

This script will:

1. Download the latest version of the node and farmer compatible with your OS and architecture (\`scripts/download.sh\`).
2. Start the node and create/insert the keystore (\`scripts/run-node.sh\`).
3. Start the farmer (\`scripts/run-farmer.sh\`).
4. Register the node as an operator, wait for synchronization, and then terminate the node and farmer (handled within \`scripts/run-dev.js\`).
5. Restart the node as an operator (\`scripts/run-operator.sh\`).
6. Restart the farmer (\`scripts/run-farmer.sh\`).

#### 3. Run tests on the local node

bash scripts/localhost-run-test.sh

The tests will automatically detect and execute on the local node and farmer.

## Next steps

With the Auto SDK set up locally, you're ready to start building and testing your blockchain applications. Explore the following pages for code examples and a functions overview.
